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Next year, UGR will implement a Master’s degree in Data Science and another in Cybersecurity.

Next year, UGR will implement a Master’s degree in Data Science and another in Cybersecurity.

Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 09:48

The University of Granada (UGR) will not launch degrees in the 2024-2025 academic year, but it will launch Master’s degrees. Specifically, it will include in its academic offer a Master’s degree in Applied Data Science to Social Sciences in collaboration with the University of Salamanca, coordinated by the UGR Foundation, and a second degree focused on Cybersecurity and International Cyber ​​Intelligence, which will be developed together with the University of Minho (Portugal), the Universitas degli Studi di Padova and Vilnius Universitas-Vilnius in Lithuania. These types of programmes are international studies taught in partnership with other European higher education institutions.

The Andalusian University Council, in its plenary academic session held this Tuesday, July 9, approved 15 new bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in Andalusian universities, a document that will be crowned with the necessary authorization of the Government Council for their implementation. According to it, the 15 new courses consist of a bachelor’s degree, ten master’s degrees and four doctoral degrees, and have already received a positive report from the Andalusian Scientific and University Quality Agency (ACCUA), of the Department of University, Research and Development. Education. Innovation. Likewise, five other titles have been modified due to changes in the corresponding study plans, the Council reported in a press release.

The only new degree that will be implemented will be the medical degree of the University of Huelva, while the ten accredited master’s degrees will be taught in seven universities in the community, specifically in Almería (UAL), Cádiz (UCA), Córdoba (UCO), Granada (UGR), Huelva (UHU), Seville (USE) and Loyola Andalusia.

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It will be in the 2025-2026 academic year when the University of Granada, like the rest of the Andalusian universities, will begin to implement the new academic programming, if the announced calendars are met. The Podiatry (Melilla) is scheduled for 2025-2026. The same degree of Spanish Industries and Cultures in which the UGR and the Universities of Alcalá and Salamanca participate. In the same year, the Biomedical Engineering degree that Granada and Jaén will teach.

For the 2026-2027 academic year, as published in May in BOJA, the new degree will be in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and the title in Industrial and Materials Engineering.

The University of Granada will offer more than a hundred Master’s degrees next year. The university degree map consists of 62 degrees (not including the independent degrees offered at the Ceuta and Melilla campuses and at the La Inmaculada teaching center). If you add them all up there are 77 degrees. The 2023-2024 academic year also offers 17 double degree academic programs.

In another line, within the framework of the Andalusian University Council held this Tuesday, the green light was given that at the University of Almería, students will be able to enroll in the Master’s degree in Teaching Spanish Language and Literature for Teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language, while at the University of Cádiz, Language Sciences and Applications will be taught and at the University of Cordoba, Research and Innovation in Physical Education will be taught.

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Likewise, the University of Huelva will offer two joint Master’s degrees, one in Environmental Radiation Protection with the University of Barcelona; the University of Cantabria; the University of Extremadura; the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the University of the Balearic Islands that coordinates it, and the University of Valencia, and another in Cultural Specialization: Research and Advanced Professional Practice with the Universities of Almería and Córdoba. For its part, the Andalusian University of Loyola will offer places for a Master’s degree in Neurorehabilitation and another in Psychoeducation. The University of Seville will coordinate a Master’s degree in Health Chemistry that will be carried out in collaboration with the Universities of Córdoba and Huelva, as well as the University of Extremadura.

In the field of doctoral programmes, the University of Cádiz is launching a programme in accounting for the next academic year, coordinated by the University of Burgos and also shared with the Autonomous University of Madrid, while the University of Málaga will teach studies in educational technology in collaboration with the International University of Andalusia. UMA will also offer a doctorate in equality and gender. Finally, the University of Cordoba will include another specialisation in sociology, political science and anthropology in the 2024-2025 academic year, the university’s administration reported in a press release.

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