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New warning from cardiologists’ associations: “Medical care is witnessing a massive crisis”

New warning from cardiologists’ associations: “Medical care is witnessing a massive crisis”

Cardiologists warn of the health crisis and demand improvement in working conditions

Actors Six cardiology medical societies Who were part of yesterday’s meeting with national government officials to seek solutions to the problem Lack of input That influence clinical practice, described today “productive” the meeting. However, doctors also expressed concerns to executives about other important issues, e.g low fees, What it entails Talent drain And the – Deterioration in the quality of health services, both public and private. ‘Medical work has always been that Adaptation variable In this conflict of interest,” it said in a statement.

Yesterday’s meeting was led by… National Trade Minister Matthias Tombolini Together with the authorities Ministry of Health, In addition to cardiologists entities Service providers in the health field and medical supplies supplier rooms. “A was established Common work table The scientific societies of cardiology indicated in a statement issued today to identify priorities and direct the various situations that affect the sector.

This shortage has become a serious problem for several weeks, affecting various specialties. Voices have been added in recent days to warn of the depth of the crisis he is experiencing Hospitals, clinics, clinics, diagnostic and treatment centres Due to the scarcity of basic materials for practices ranging from the most complex to the simplest.

This dangerous situation affects The vast majority of health sectors, Such as gastroenterology, dentistry, ophthalmology, and even CT imaging and other diagnostic fields. Yes, it is true that the first blows were felt Heart disease Which today is one of the most affected conditions, which goes deeper taking into account the number of people who have to undergo, for example, angioplasty and stent placement.

Shortage of supplies, low fees and flight of talent: the critical panorama of heart disease in Argentina (Getty)

The entities representing the cardiologists who were part of yesterday’s call at the Ministry of Commerce are the Argentine Society of Cardiology (SAC); Argentine Federation of Cardiology (FAC), Argentine Cardiology Foundation (FCA), Argentine College of Interventional Cardiologists (CACI), Argentine College of Cardiovascular Surgeons (CACCV), and Argentine College of Cardiology (CAC). This is the same as the last one On October 27 they signed a difficult document He warned of a shortage of medical supplies due to difficulties in importing.

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After meeting this Tuesday with the doctor Pablo Stutzbach, First Vice President of SAC L said information It was a “very good” meeting and it was “The first step To identify problems and listen to different parts of the health system.

But this morning, the six cardiac authorities were issued as a whole, with the signature of their presidents New statement To report meeting details. After expressing it Gratitude For the quick response received by the Minister of Commerce, which showed… Receptive To find ways to begin to solve the problem of supply shortages in heart disease,” they emphasized, as they said, “in the previous communication, supply shortages are affecting Conducting diagnostic and procedural interventionsand originates largely in Financial difficulties That affects imports as well Unjustified increase In the prices of vital medical supplies offered by some suppliers.

They appreciated that after that meeting that was it “productive” They are waiting for implementation Agreed measures To gradually resolve the gaps, the cardiologists took the opportunity to express the matter to the authorities Sector concern Given the current circumstances the country is going through Clinical practicesince the input represents only one edge of the file Massive crisis That medical care that Argentina is witnessing.”

Six scientific cardiology societies demand that the government urgently rethink the health system (Getty)

“Among other crucial issues, the case medical fees, This is mostly due to increased costs for supplies and diagnostic studies, fees that are at historic lows in memory, which is largely consistent with the fact that medical work has always been the main business. Adaptation variable In this Conflict of interestThey lamented.

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The demand of cardiologists, which has been extended in this way to include all specialties, is for the authorities to undertake “an urgent rethink by regulatory bodies, both public and private, after Preventing the flight of talent abroad And based on Improving service quality Towards patients who are the main victims of the critical situation that the health system in our country is going through.

Yesterday, the SAC vice president told Infobae: “All parties have been heard, and it is clear that we have nothing to do with the system of providing these inputs. We use and need Bring them to be able Treat patients as they deserve According to written evidence, the best way to treat a heart attack and some other diseases, for example. “It’s important that we have these devices, these diagnostic components, and all the medications that we use to treat these diseases.”

In their first statement, which prompted the government’s call, cardiologists described the dangerous situation caused by the lack of supplies: “It is noteworthy that this situation is already today, It not only affects the performance of scheduled interventions, but also affects emergency interventions. Such as primary angioplasty in the treatment of myocardial infarction or neurointervention in the management of cerebrovascular accidents, the inadequate or impossible performance of which would lead to an immediate increase in mortality and/or disability.

Cardiology, a specialty at risk due to shortages of materials and deteriorating quality of service

“Obviously,” Dr. Stutzbach stressed The solution will take time, and has multiple aspects because it is a chain of marketing with foreign countries.But the good thing is that they can Identify core products “This cannot be missing in cardiology practice and cardiovascular emergencies.”

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