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Necessary and new references for women to dedicate themselves to science: Xóchitl Trujillo

Necessary and new references for women to dedicate themselves to science: Xóchitl Trujillo

* A few days ago, the UdeC held, by default, an analysis table titled “Sympathy, Equality and Justice for the Advancement and Inclusion of Women in Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.”


Colima Colima – These days, in a hypothetical manner, the analysis table “Sympathy, Equality and Justice for the Advancement and Inclusion of Women in Careers in STEM”, organized by the General Coordination of Research and the University Center for Equality and Gender Studies of the University of Colima, has been organized.

In welcoming Dr Xóchitl Trujillo-Trujillo, General Research Coordinator, said, “A few days ago, we promoted a week of activities to create new female models so that new generations would embrace science as a way of life, awakening their abilities, talents, and enthusiasm to build the world we want for ourselves and for all others. “.

Finally, Rector Christian Torres Ortiz thanked Zerminio for his support “to promote gender equality as a transversal area in all institutional actions and, of course, in research for training, development and the awakening of these professions in science.”

The first to speak was Dr. María Elena Tejeda Yeomans, Professor in the Faculty of Science, who stressed that empathy should allow us to recognize, understand and share the thoughts and feelings of others: “In academic life I can say that, with empathy, the work can be easier; This ability is key to overcoming the ups and downs of our academic lives, because it is strongly linked to the ability to be sensitive to the academic and social contexts of the people we collaborate with, and this has a direct impact on our scientific work.”

She noted that for more women and girls to enter these areas, “we have to realize that this is a problem that we all have to solve. There are organizations that identify gender equality as a driver of economic development and the effects of abandonment due to perceived obstacles affecting women, and the ability to implement specific strategies as do UdeC”.

In turn, Dr. Dulce Maria Vargas Bracamontes, Professor at CONACyT and Commissioner of the University Center for Volcanological Studies at UdeC, commented when speaking of her experience, despite being the only volcanologist, “The difficult situation of getting places is not limited to women in the country; however, I think That interspersed policies are needed so that the employment of women in science can be increased.”

Dr Janeth Aurelia Alcala Rodriguez, from the School of Electromechanical Engineering, said she had not encountered inequalities: “In general, in terms of the opportunities I had to develop myself in research and work, they had I was like my colleagues, both in physical demands and at work. and personal matters. The fact that more and more of us are involved, engaged and trained in these areas, is what will bring equality at some point.”

Director of the University Center for Equality and Gender Studies, Mitra. Anna Azucena Evangelista Salazar noted that according to 2021 data, the number of undergraduate students is about 13,454, of whom 7,422 are women (55.16 percent are women); However, he commented that although this reflects an increase, it does occur in the fields of education, art, humanities and social sciences, while in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), at 31.11 percent of women.

For this reason, we have encouraged actions that encourage scientific calls in collaboration with other dependencies. The university will continue to promote this type of scholarly career as part of the commitments of the university’s agenda so that more and more women are incorporated into these professions that are “the future”, better paid and have a broad scope of work.”

Dr. Nancy Molina Rodriguez, of the School of Psychology, highlighted a study of engineering students at the university: “Students enter with previous gender, cultural and economic inequalities that usually go unnoticed by the school system, and that require the use of processes and learning tools that are not easy for them to access but, at the same time, the institution itself does not usually provide for them.”

Regarding empathy, he said, “Let’s remember that it develops under the influence of a patriarchal social system, so there can be gender, class, racial and gender biases, among others, which lead to it being selective and contextual, in addition to the fact that this fact does not mean that it Lead us to do something to change said condition.”