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National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Urge More Research on Women and Chronic Disease

Black women are more likely to die from chronic diseases than white women. – (Illustration)

Research on chronic diseases that affect women is very weak, and National Institutes of Health Other agencies should do more to investigate problems that lead to worse medical treatment for women, says new WHO report National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Women are disproportionately affected by chronic diseases, including: Alzheimer’s disease and depressionAccording to the study I requested. National Institutes of Health Office of Women’s Health Research And it was published on Wednesday.

But there is a lack of research on women’s health. “A comprehensive understanding of the impact of these and other chronic diseases on women is prevented.”The report’s authors write. The study says more research is needed, especially for black women, who are more likely to die from a chronic disease than white women.

The 500-page report calls for a focused effort, led by the National Institutes of Health, to improve diagnostic tools for diseases specific to women, such as endometriosis, and to distinguish between the overlapping symptoms of many chronic diseases. Farida SohrabjiOne of the report’s authors said she hopes the research will guide urgent research priorities.

The National Institutes of Health has urged improved diagnostic tools for diseases specific to women. (Stock Shuffle)

“One of the biggest frustrations is how often we see examples of Women were not included in the research.“Where their experiences and symptoms have been underestimated or not given enough attention,” said Sohrabji, director of the Women’s Health in Neuroscience Program at Texas A&M University. “One of the things that comes up a lot of times is that [las mujeres] They realize that sometimes their health is not given due consideration and their feeling of pain is minimized.

By emphasizing the importance of addressing racial, ethnic, social and economic disparities.The experiences of white women and women of color differ greatly, but have not been adequately addressed in research, Sohrabji said.

Report highlights The influence of biological and social factors on diagnosis And the treatment of chronic diseases, drawing attention to gaps in research related to gynecological and women-specific diseases and the impact of social determinants of health on chronic diseases.

Experts highlight differences in symptom presentation between men and women. – (Illustrated)

Experts highlight the need for better diagnostic tools adapted to chronic diseases in women, noting that there are clear differences in the onset of symptoms between women and men, such as heart disease and diabetes. Experts say gynecological conditions can present in unique ways.which can lead to misdiagnoses when using instruments designed primarily for male patients.

A research letter published in JAMA in 2019 concluded that The National Institutes of Health awards more research money to first-time male grantees than to their female peers.The letter claimed that federal funding for research is tied to the quality of science and career advancement.

“If there was something that affected a large percentage of men like him, [algunas de las enfermedades que afectan] “When it comes to women, we will know exactly what causes it, and then we will have more treatments and diagnoses,” said Karen Tang, a gynecologist and author who was not involved in the report.