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Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Campaign

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Campaign

The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation of Puerto Rico has educational, support, and patient wellness programs.

Carla Ortiz and Alexandra Otero, MS patients, spokespeople for FEMPR’s What Moves You campaign. Images: Journal of Medicine and Public Health. Fabiola Plaza.

The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation of Puerto Rico kicks off its 2022 campaign entitled “Qué Te Mueve” with The participation of patients with multiple sclerosis Multiple, who share them Testimonies of strength and love In order to raise awareness about this disease.

During the month of March, the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation has been involved in many activities with the aim of continuing to promote solidarity and knowledge about this condition.

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The world month theme From hardening The multiple What Moves You also aims to connect the community of patients, caregivers, health professionals and residents, through inspiring stories.

“We challenge the social barriers that make people affected by them hardening Multiple do not feel lonely and socially isolated. Our mission is to ensure that these residents receive better services and are able, within their capabilities, to maintain a self-sufficient life,” said Lourdes Fernandez, CEO of the Foundation.

The What Moves You campaign will be holding a special event on Saturday, March 26th, starting at 9:00am at the Monserrate Resort, in Luquillo. The fraternal activity “Get Together Without Barrier” will be supported by the Mar Sin Barreras program which will provide amphibious wheelchairs, where all attendees can enjoy the sea regardless of their physical condition.

Meet Carla Ortiz:

The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation of Puerto Rico has educational, support and wellness programs in Patient groups and supportwhich has been provided free of charge since 2000 with the aim of directing efforts towards improving the quality of life for everyone with the disease.

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hardening Multiplexing disease (MS) is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system puts down defenses The body attacks the nervous systemIt directly affects the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerve. Within the nervous system, it affects fatty tissue called myelin, causing scar tissue (hardening). No harm to this nervous system cover Central, causes nerve impulses that are transmitted between Brain and spinal cord (and vice versa) distorted or intermittent.

An interview with Ale Otero:

It is estimated that 2.8 million people worldwide suffer from this disease. Of these, 4,000 to 5,000 people were diagnosed in Puerto Rico, with the group of 20- to 50-year-olds, as well as women, having the highest prevalence. It is estimated that three new cases are confirmed each week. Often, MS is confused with musculoskeletal disorders, Atherosclerosis or other neurodegenerative diseasesMany people may be unaware of the condition.

For more information about the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation of Puerto Rico and the services it provides, please call 787-723-2331 or visit the official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/femabrazando.