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Morena is attending the fast-track to science law approval, warns MC – El Sol de México

Morena is attending the fast-track to science law approval, warns MC – El Sol de México

Movimiento Ciudadano warned that Morena and allies of the PT and PVEM They intend to approve tomorrow in committees the Science, Technology and Innovation Actwhich limits the possibility of collaboration between public and private sector, Besides, it is unconstitutional, because it ignores academic freedom when it is attempted Select topics that can be investigated.

The orange seat El Pazo dismissed Morena and her allies as seeking approval of the Science, Technology and Innovation Actand urges compliance with the agreed term of discussion on opinion Through planned open parliaments, of which only seven will be held.

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PRI Senator Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín warned that the Senate does not approve of A Fast track approval From the law of science or Consent omits the necessary discussion And in the event that the House of Representatives omit some issues, the Senate will implement this practice in Science and Technology Committee.

also , Collective science With the support of more than a thousand scholars from universities, institutes and research centers, they asked the House of Representatives not to rush the reforms sent by Konsit, and to stick to the promised seven forums, of which only two have been held since then. necessary Listen to the scientific community before leaving them defenseless.

This was expressed by Marisol Silva, in charge of the research area at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, who warned that Science, technology and innovation are essential elements for the development and future of Mexico.

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“There is a risk that the law does not contain the areas of opportunity presented by the initiative itself in various related issues such as financing (…) Another gap is discrimination against private universities, where Research staff are excluded from support To receive incentives, assuming that it is a business and commercial activity, but this is not true, ”the doctor noted.

“We want to warn about the risks of approving the law, and it’s going the way Conacyt designed it and about the risks for the future, because what we want is A law that responds to the needs of the present and future of the country And this law does not do it because it is authoritarian and central, ”said the researcher.

Movemento Ciudadano reiterated that the initiative of the system It aims to centralize the country’s scientific and technological policyWhich takes away freedom from scientific activity, excludes the participation of federal agencies, and limits cooperation with the private sector.

The notion that science policy can determine which areas can be investigated is a clear attack on academic freedom. This measure not only limits development, but is a serious policy that limits knowledge.

Should be reconsidered Mexico’s scientific and technological destination demands maximum publicity and transparency, for a wide open parliament along with universities, research centers and academia.

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Movimento Ciudadano also indicated that serious work is required to resume the best international experiences that defined a broader and more advanced panorama for the sector and called on the rest of the political forces not to endorse this setback.

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