“Women in science: commitment and empowerment Made by four women scientists with one of the most important biotechnology companies, they leave reflections on the position of women in science as well as the starting points for those elements that must be changed so that inclusion is more equitable in all aspects of science. humane.
“In the 36-year history of National Heart Association of MexicoThere were no female chiefs. When I decided to run, because by the vote of the members, I had problems being a candidate and my best gift was getting 62% of the votes. In that moment I felt emotions, a lot of commitment, and I promised myself to do the best I could, to include all the women. At first we were less than 10% and now we are 25%“
The doctor commented Gabriella Borayopresident National Association of Cardiologists of Mexico.
As for international recognition, the numbers do not reflect parity because it is in one of the most important awards in terms of professional work, where Nobel PrizesIt is delivered from 1901 only he 17% of the winners Women. Regarding the scientific field, only at the global level 28% of women scholars.
A geneticist shared her insights into the discrepancies between United State s Latin america.
“In the United States, she felt it was hiding the fact that she was a mother, while in Europe she was more respected and admired, there was a positive reception about her having children and her continuation in the sciences. In latin america we can be proud in science because women are getting ahead even though our society is very different and more sexist“
Guidelines sharing
One of the most recent UNESCO reports indicates that the proportion of women in scientific professions, although increasing, still does not exceed 40% worldwide. Within the difficulties to be modified, it was possible to classify four invisible obstacles that every woman devoted to science must face. The naming of categories is related to the direct influence of the elements that must be encountered at every moment of university life.
1- Syndrome crookIt relates to the occasions when a woman does not feel that she deserves her accomplishments, but rather that everything was obtained by chance and not because of her abilities or virtues.
two- Matilda effect: It consists in a lack of social recognition that sometimes leads to the purely feminine accomplishments being attributed to male scholars or professionals.
3- glass roof: It addresses the impossibility of advancement in the profession of science, making the tasks to be performed less important than the task performed by a man
4- sticky floor: He points to recommendations before scientific careers began, based on an ancient belief system in which the scientific field was more favorable for men than for women.
out of survival
One of the most influential stories was the story of Bonnie Meadow PineHe is a specialist in astrodynamics and has worked on Container He commented that he came to dedicate himself to science thanks to a movie
“It is very important to expose girls from a young age to this kind of jobs and future choices, because it is almost impossible for a girl to be interested in sciences like neuroscience or space engineering if she is not seeing models. It is important that we take this kind of approach, find girls and don’t We are waiting for them to look for us. In this way they will open their horizons more to see beyond traditional roles so that more women will join scientific careers”.
They all have life stories but the same passion for knowledge that has allowed them to share their stories to change the present and lay the foundation for a future that is much closer than we think.
Also read https://www.elcordillerano.com.ar/noticias/2022/09/29/144963-cuatro-sintomas-para-evitar-un-ataque-cardiaco/
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