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More modification in Conicet: 600 doctoral scholarships were provided instead of the 1,300 announced in 2023

More modification in Conicet: 600 doctoral scholarships were provided instead of the 1,300 announced in 2023

This year the number of scholarships announced is 240 fewer than in 2003, and taking into account the period 2013-2023, it is the lowest level in the last ten years. Its workers, researchers, and trainees reject the arbitrary dismissals and suspension of funding. in social networks, jorge Aliaga, The physicist and researcher from Conicet shared a series of graphs, where you can see how many scholarships the organization awards year after year, according to C5N.

In the midst of the government's proposed smear campaign against scientists and researchers, it is important to defend one of the most famous scientific organizations in Latin America. As a result, C5N.com spoke with two scholarship holders and one Conicet scholarship recipient, who raised why a country with scientific development is considered transcendent and, above all, why.

“It means a brutal cut that reduces the number of trained staff in the organization.”He confirmed Florence Cascardo, a graduate student in biological sciences and a doctorate in biological chemistry, and a Conisit postdoctoral fellow. In the same vein, Lukas Kreman, a graduate in biological sciences from FCEN-UBA, highlighted that “Science is a collective work” And the lack of colleagues “It makes the possibilities less and less” leading to a shrinking of scientific workplaces.

“Today a large part of Conicet's staff are scholarship holders, there are 12,000 nationwide, and we are only in the training phase. The truth is that it is the scholarship holders who keep the scientific system working, and we carry out research and teaching daily tasks in all precise fields.” Medical, social, etc. pass Juliana Yantornoa sociologist and doctoral researcher working at the Center for Labor Studies and Research.

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This fundamentally affects daily performance, which is maintained through the work of scholarship holders and influences the training of future researchers. This reduction occurred equally in all fields of study, for example in the field of medical sciences only 26 doctoral scholarships were offered, meaning that “It will not be possible to develop research projects of great importance on dengue diseases, oncology, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases and autoimmune diseases, among many others.” Cascardo added.

This is the chainsaw effect of government Javier Miley This is happening not only in Conisit, but in education as well, with the withdrawal of the National Fund for Teaching Incentives (FONID), the withdrawal of funding for public universities, lack of resources and layoffs in the construction of the CAREM-25 and RA nuclear reactors. 10.

“There is a question about what the knowledge is used for, that's why it's important to have public science, because there are a lot of these things that are not profitable: they are for the care of the population. What will the entrepreneur allocate? The money is for you to think about. What do we do with malnutrition in children or Dengue fever?” Yantorno wondered that while at the peak of dengue cases, the state does not run prevention or vaccination campaigns.