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Mollusco wishes success to the members of the new SBS radio show – Metro Puerto Rico

Mollusco wishes success to the members of the new SBS radio show – Metro Puerto Rico

Presenter Jorge Babón ‘El Mollusco’ wished the members of the new program to be announced by the Spanish Broadcasting System (SBS) in Puerto Rico next Monday, although it was noted that this had nothing to do with the suspension of this programme.

According to Metro Puerto Rico, it’s a new program on station Z93 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. and has nothing to do with the La Mega space.

However, the announcer responded on social networks with the following text: “No one is indispensable, including me. Very successful, I know that they will leave … ”, the announcer wrote.

According to Michelle Torres, the company’s public relations officer, they will hold a press conference at 10:00 a.m. on July 19 to give details of the new program. Torres ruled out the new radio show being linked to the suspension of the members of the Molosco and Los Reyes de la Punta programs.

SBS took the space made up of Jorge Pabón, better known as Mollusco, Pamela Noa and Ali Warrington, off the air after they disobeyed an order from the company, asking not to talk about the queue caused by the announcement of tickets for the Bad Bunny concert.

Noa and Mollusco expressed themselves on their social networks to explain the reasons for the company suspending them from work and salary until next Monday. For its part, Mollusco announced that it will stop using the radio due to the company’s intent.

Presenter Jorge Papone “El Mollusco” expressed himself after it was known that he and his cohorts had been suspended from “Molusco y los Reyes de la Punta”.

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In the video, he pleaded guilty to not following SBS’s instructions not to talk about the Bad Bunny rows issue at Colicio de Puerto Rico and indicated he would take some time to think about it. Will do.

“Honestly, I don’t know what I’m going to do, I love what I’m doing, I love radio, but I don’t know what I’m going to do, I’m going to take some time, I’m going to think, I’ll be here on YouTube…The fact is, the Bad Bunny event is covered by the whole world,” he said in the video. .

“Honestly, I don’t know what my final destination is, Ali and Pam are clearly always separate entities although we work together, they separate and go on. Roberto, Ali and Pam do not need me.”

“The instructions were clear, that the Bad Bunny party shouldn’t be discussed, instructions that I didn’t follow,” said the animator, who explained that the topic was discussed because it is a trend and what was discussed in all the media.

In the same way, he noted that the company “did what it had to do” and that he was not bothered by his suspension. However, he said he is annoyed that his teammates have been suspended for his actions.

Molusko indicated that he will pay Pamela Noa and Ali Warrington for four days, which will be suspended from work and salary.

In addition, he noted that for his part it will take some time to “believe that he will.”

Radio La Mega won’t be on air until Monday due to its members being suspended for not following an order from Spanish Broadcasting System (SBS) not to talk about the event queuing up for tickets to last week’s Bad Bunny concert in Puerto Rico.

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