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Modesto Montoya: “The first time a president spoke about science and technology in his message”

Modesto Montoya: “The first time a president spoke about science and technology in his message”

Pedro Castillo is already the president of Peru and gave his first message to the nation on Wednesday 28. Several points the new president addressed in his speech were, including the field of science and technology, and the physicist accepted Modesto Montoya He expressed his satisfaction after hearing the words of the new head of state.

The Peruvian scientists out there told me that They are very satisfied with the President’s announcement of the establishment of the Ministry of Science and TechnologyMontoya told La República outside the Lima Convention Center.

Regarding the development of the research profession, the Peruvian physicist pointed out its importance, because it allows “Restore part of the human group operating in foreign powers, keep young people who have no place here and want to leave.“.

When asked about the possibility of chairing the new science and technology portfolio, Montoya Zavaleta noted that Congress He must agree to the proposal of the executive branch. There is nothing to talk about as a minister. I declare that we (the scholars) are struggling for a ministry to be headed by the president’s decision.

In addition, he mentioned the noticeable delay in Peru in terms of scientific production along with neighboring countries such as Chile and Ecuador. The first “has 10 times more scientists per million inhabitants”; While the second content actually publishes twice as much niche content, “it comprises half of the Peruvian population,” he explained.

Finally, he pointed out that “it is the first time that a president has spoken about science and technology in his message to the Congress of the Republic.”

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What was Pedro Castillo’s message about science and technology?

As announced in the campaign, Pedro Castillo He emphasized that his Government would propose the establishment of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation. “With this, the generation of knowledge necessary for the development and technological independence of Peru will be enhanced,” he emphasized.

He commented, “Similarly, it will be necessary to study the possibility of a career for scientific and technological researchers to integrate graduating talent and bring back those who migrated due to lack of opportunity.”

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