Mayor Pablo Merolo has signed a new cooperation framework agreement with the Faculty of Forest Sciences of the National University of Santiago del Estero, in which soil, forest and environmental research will be carried out in the southern region of the city of La Banda.
Through this agreement, students of the Faculty of Forestry Sciences will have the opportunity to carry out a research project that allows the assessment of the state of the soil, tree species and their reactions in relation to the environment.
The Head of Community from Bandeño met with the project manager, Guido Lorenz, and noted that: “Green and undeveloped spaces in urban and peri-urban areas play a prominent role in urban planning and management, given the diversity of ecosystem services they support., contributing to the improvement of the quality of life for citizens. In the city of La Panda, population growth and projected road works by regional and municipal entities are stimulating a strong progression of urbanization towards the south of the city, the conquest of natural and rural environments.
He added, “In this context, the objective of this project is to assess the ecosystem services of the urban and peri-urban area of the city of Lapanda in order to create a basis and criteria for urban planning that integrate concepts of landscape ecology.”
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