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MIR for Clinical Genetics in 2025: This is what students demand

MIR for Clinical Genetics in 2025: This is what students demand

And the Specialization in clinical genetics when? This question remains a mystery for the doctors who are calling for the establishment of this MIR and whose absence affects not only medical professionals but also health training levels. the Medical students They consider that The clinical genetics moment should arrive in 2025 It should be a priority for the Ministry of Health to ensure that this training is not forgotten among students, in addition to The approach entailed by specialization of MIR with BIR or FIR.

“the Implementation of clinical genetics as a specialty It could get the student body interested in this new outlet, in this little known branch that also has a connection to the laboratory. It is one of the few trips where different disciplines come together You can also choose this specialization from FIR or BIRSo that we can approach this interdisciplinary vision that is health care and thus appreciate the work of colleagues from other branches.” Medical writing Gonzalo BaqueroChairman of the State Council of Medical Students (CEEM).

Regarding the arrival of the MIR, Baquero insists that, being “realistic”, it does not seem “unreasonable” to implement it in the coming period. MIR Call for 2025 “As long as the relative issues are resolved.” “Three years from now, it will be more than viable Implementation of specialization. We believe it should be our current priority Ministry of Health And professional planning because its absence harms the health of the population.”

“The lack of specialists in this field leads to incorrect diagnoses, delays in treatment, and restrictions in genetic counseling.”

Genetics meets MIR requirements

for him CEEM There are two compelling reasons to create the specialty of clinical genetics: to be there Sufficient field of knowledge Enough to study them separately, and that there Adequate demand in the health system and population Hence an unmet need. “Clinical genetics is such a broad field that a high degree of understanding cannot be obtained if we do not devote ourselves exclusively to it. Specialists in this field are the ones who are truly trained to Treatment of genetic diseasesany They are not receiving treatment for their optimal approachPrecisely because there is no organized training for clinical genetics, he adds.

By meeting these two criteria to be a specialty “as well as being viable and profitable for the system,” the arrival of clinical genetics as a specialty should be imminent: “It is an occasional specialty that deals with forecastingAnd diagnosis, management, prevention, treatment and even research, which is also very important, for genetic diseases.

According to the current data contained in the CEEM document in which they call for the establishment of this specialization, 3% of newborns have some deformities Or a hereditary disease, and 8% of the population will develop some disease of genetic origin before the age of 25 years. next to, Spain is the only country in Europe that does not have this specialty The Department of Clinical Genetics and Health System offers genetic care services that are “unlike those offered in surrounding countries.” A situation of this kind can lead to “major dysfunctions” in the system leading to sub-optimization of resources, with a Negative impact on population care and increased health spending.

“Without creating a specialty Mer In clinical genetics, we face a series of problems that affect the quality of care. Lack of specialists in this field It leads to misdiagnosis, delays in treatment, and limitations in genetic counseling For patients and their families. We urge the competent authorities to recognize the importance of this discipline and take the necessary measures to implement it.”

Although it may contain statements, statements or observations from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that the reader consult any health-related questions with a healthcare professional.

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