East Africa News Post

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Minset shows the wonderful world of science to boys and girls on their day.

Venezuela celebrated Children’s Day on Sunday, with various activities to bring surprises, joy and fun to the little ones at home.

One of these days was held on Avenida Bolivar in Caracas, where sports, entertainment and cultural activities were held.

In this event, called “+ Sports with Maduro”, the Ministry of Science and Technology (Mincyt) was present with its entities Movilnet, the National Center for Chemical Technology (Cntq), Fundación Infocentro, Cantv, Industrias Canaima, among others. To show boys and girls how fascinating and fun the world of science is.

The President of CNTQ, Matding Medina, stated that through this activity, they “promote all the policies of the Bolivarian government to pay attention to our boys and girls; today we celebrate Children’s Day and, as always, as representatives of the Ministry of Science and Technology, we are here to offer educational and educational activities to all our boys and girls with the aim of continuing to strengthen our National Program of Scientific Seeds and instilling in children early skills and professions. All that is science and technology.”

For her part, Isabelle Cassino, Director of Technological Training at the National Information Technology Centre (CNTI), highlighted the importance of this event for children and young people to learn about the institutions and the work they do for the development of the country.

“It is important for us to share with children and young people what we do, how we understand and experience communication from a critical and reflective position and approach. This is a space not only for display and sharing, but also for learning.”

The big event for the little ones included football, basketball and baseball areas, as well as swimming pools for all ages, swings, paintball, video game rooms, experiment rooms, inflatable mattresses, trampolines, traditional games, and more.