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MINCyT Scientific and Technological Advisory Boards for the Pampa Azul have been completed

MINCyT Scientific and Technological Advisory Boards for the Pampa Azul have been completed

With the appointment of the specialists who comprise them Technology Advisory Board (CAT) The two advisory bodies were formed to contribute from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MINCyT) to the implementation of the objectives of the Pampa Azul Initiative. In both cases, the selection met three main criteria: one of them concerned the expertise of the members based on the Pampa Azul 2030 goals agenda, which aims to promote scientific research, technological development and innovation to effectively preserve and manage marine property and enhance national sovereignty over the sea. The second concerns federal geographic distribution, and the last concerns gender balance, a dimension that encompasses all aspects of the initiative’s work agenda.

The Committee against Torture advises on developing technological solutions on strategic issues; Searching for the best technology applications that could be transferred to the advancement of the national industry related to the sea and its coastal environment; And training of the technical human resources necessary to keep pace with scientific development as a strategy for national sovereignty. Both groups of experts respond to the demands that arise from the interministerial committee.

For its part, Scientific Advisory Board (CAC) Its priorities are to move forward by coordinating existing R + D + i activities and promoting new activities to advance the strategic issues of Pampa Azul; Strengthening, integrating and expanding the scientific agendas of priority geographical areas; Campaign plans and surveillance / surveillance systems; And marine science data policies, among others. In this council was added the goal of integrating the coastal marine environment with the human dimension. There, greater emphasis was placed on selecting members with expertise in the social sciences and humanities.

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In this sense, Pampa Azul Executive Co-ordinator and Cabinet Unit Head of MINCyT Advisors, Carolina Vera, explained that novelty regarding this conformation was to establish “In the pool of nominations that we receive from various institutions that belong to the Inter-Institutional Council for Science and Technology (CICYT). In 2020, we send out invitations for nominations to have a set of names for the selection process.”.

“The Scientific Advisory Board (CAC) has priorities for moving forward with coordinating existing R + D + i activities and promoting new activities to advance strategic issues in Pampa Azul; strengthening, integrating and expanding scientific agendas for priority geographic regions; campaign plans and monitoring / surveillance systems; Data policies for marine science, among other issues. “.

Likewise, Vera reported that the Science Department “He also did his own research and the selection was made keeping in mind the above criteria. Those who were nominated were not necessarily selected as actors. It was a very rich process, because the institutions suggested researchers that we probably didn’t have on the radar.”. Although some members have been suggested by their institutions, this does not mean that representation is institutional, which is the case with those who make up the interministerial committee. “This means that in this case they do not act as the voice of institutions, but their voices represent the diversity of visions and disciplines that exist in the scientific community.”Pampa Azul coordinator concluded.

In this regard, the Undersecretary for Institutional Coordination Pablo Nunez pointed out: “Our country needs the knowledge and capabilities of scientists working on the broad agenda related to Pampa Azul, to achieve the design of policies and strategies that are most rigid, coherent and evidence-based and on the scientific and technological capabilities of our system.”.

The CAT test is coordinated by Diana Boone, Dean of the National Technological University’s Chubut Regional School. Regarding the task that they are undertaking, Boone noted: “CAT is designed as a consulting space made up of experts from various disciplines of engineering applied to the sea”. With regard to work dynamics, he explain: “Organized into specific work schedules that have their own dynamics for virtual meetings, information exchange through the Drive repository, and regular monthly meetings in which topics from the CAC or the Interministerial Committee are presented.”.

The person coordinating the CAC is the CONICET researcher at the Institute of Marine Biology (IBIOMAR-CENPAT), Juan Sala, who has identified the task they are doing as “Very important for several reasons. On the other hand, scientific activities of a strategic nature of the state are diagnosed, discussed and planned on coastal and marine issues, and recommendations for public policies related to this are made. On the one hand, the CAC acts as a link between science and policy to analyze the requirements that arise from decision-makers, and to strengthen and improve the sovereign ability to develop science-based public policies..

“The CAC acts as a link between science and policy to analyze the requirements that arise from decision-makers, and to strengthen and improve the sovereign capacity to generate science-based public policies.”CONICET Researcher at the Institute of Marine Biology (IBIOMAR-CENPAT), Juan Sala, who coordinates this board, has identified.

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In addition, he confirmed it “For the first time since 2014, the Pampa Azul comprehensively embraces all disciplines and voices that have much to contribute to the field of coastal and marine knowledge, ranging from sociology to physical oceanography.”.