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Memory, Learning and Artificial Intelligence. By Dr. Martin Montesino, Director of the U. Andrés Bello Institute of Biomedical Sciences – G5noticias

We know that artificial intelligence is becoming an increasingly important part of our daily lives. It is important in this area to understand the mechanisms that allow us to understand memory and learning, which has major implications for the development of artificial intelligence.

The Epineuro Millennium Nucleus, under the direction of Dr. Brigitte Van Zundert and based at UNAB, is dedicated to studying the molecular mechanisms that allow hippocampal neurons to form long-term neural networks, known as “engrams,” which are essential for the retention of long-term memories in the human brain.

This scientific work not only opens new horizons in basic neuroscience, but also establishes fundamental links with artificial intelligence. The detailed analysis of the massive epigenomic data and expression data of this same genome, which is essential in our studies, requires the development of advanced artificial intelligence tools.

Not only will these tools facilitate increasingly accurate simulation of the neural events involved in learning, they will also foster the development of new and more sophisticated machine learning algorithms. These advances will allow us to simulate the operation of our neural networks, while paving the way for more efficient and energy-efficient AI systems than those built by today’s supercomputers.

Research in neurogenetics and plasticity not only enriches our understanding of how the human brain works, but also leads to major advances in the development of artificial intelligence. It is vital to support these interdisciplinary efforts that promise to transform our understanding of the brain and the future technological landscape.