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Marc Anthony and Nadia Ferreira of Paraguay – Citizens

Marc Anthony and Nadia Ferreira of Paraguay – Citizens

With the arrival of Puerto Rican salsa singer, Marc Anthony, and our compatriot, Vice-Miss Universe, Nadia Ferreira, the carriage they arrived at in the land of Guarani cannot be ignored. The plane is one of the best in the world, according to Douglas Copella, director of airports at the National Directorate of Civil Aeronautics.

Marco Antonio Muniz Riveraknown as Marc AnthonyPuerto Rican singer-songwriterAnd the Paraguay arrived last Thursday accompanied by his fiancée, Nadia Ferraraour compatriot who is a vice-miss Miss Universe.

Both traveled on the plane owned by the salsa singer. airplane Gulfstream 550 American made. It is the dream of every businessman or artist. He is one of the best players in the world.” Douglas Copella, Director of Airports at DINAC.

Many hours of autonomy

In conversation with the program ABC TV journalist scheduleExplain how this transcontinental plane can fly 14 hours Without refueling. In addition, due to the power of its engines, it can reach speeds higher than the speeds of aircraft, making the track Miami Asuncion In just 7 and a half hours.

Another important detail is that luxury is at the discretion of each aircraft owner, being able to choose the tone of the interior of the aircraft, as well as the furniture, types and number of seats one wants.

Copella said the plane could carry up to 20 passengers. However, you can also choose 10 or 8 crew members, as it is very convenient.

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It costs about 40 million US dollars

Douglas told it Gulfstream g550 It costs approximately between 35 and 40 million, inPlus an approximate operating cost $15,000 an hour.

Doing the numbers, this trip will cost approx 105,000 dollars, which includes flying and landing service, etc. Another additional cost is parking at the airport, which is paid daily.

In this sense, he said that the singer and our compatriot will indeed travel this Saturday, although he clarified that nothing has been confirmed until the flight plan is submitted.

Procedures in this category of flights are normal

The director of airports explained that this type of flight is considered “irregular”. In this sense, he reported that the dispatcher gives some time in advance and presents the flight plan, with the list of passengers and all the sworn statements they have to make. This starts the process of flying the aircraft to depart from the starting point. He added that all costs are usually paid up front.

Upon landing, customs officials inspect the aircraft’s interior. For their part, travelers head to the airport terminal, where they go through all the usual procedures with immigration customs. Later they return to the capsules, which are the vehicles, and there they leave the airport.

He concluded that these actions are carried out personally, given that the immigration record is done by photo, that is, each person has to do it personally. Douglas Copella.

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