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Man disappears after crocodiles tear Ida’s hand after Ida’s whipping in Louisiana

Man disappears after crocodiles tear Ida’s hand after Ida’s whipping in Louisiana

A large crocodile tore off a man’s hand while walking in an area of ​​Louisiana that was flooded by rain brought by Hurricane Ida, and now the person is missing, the sheriff’s office said.

The 71-year-old and his wife heard screams from officers Monday afternoon and saw a crocodile attacking her husband in Slitell, a suburb of New Orleans, the St. Dhammani District Sheriff’s Office said.

According to the woman, the crocodile caught him and returned, police captain Lance Witter told the Times-Picayoon / The New Orleans Advocate.

The woman told officers the crocodile tore the man’s hand and fainted.

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She said when the crocodile stopped its attack, she was able to get her husband out of the water and went to the first aid kit. The sheriff’s office said in the speech that when he realized the severity of his injuries, he boarded his boat and paddled to an altitude of 1 kilometer (1 mile) for help. When she returned to authorities, her husband was missing.

The sheriff’s office, which did not identify the man, said he tried to locate him using floodwaters and boats, but “all attempts failed.”

The sheriff’s office asked people to be extra careful when walking through flooded areas.

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