Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro , This Wednesday confirmed that they are “stealing” The gold your country deposited in the Bank of England What he called “the piracy of the twenty-first century”.
“They are stealing from us the gold reserves of Venezuela, which belong to the Central Bank of Venezuela, and do not belong to the government, but belong to an independent institute (…) more than 2,000 million dollars in gold, gold said in a government law,” Maduro said.
(In other news: The reaction of the Chaveza regime after criticism of the Church)
They are stealing gold reserves from Venezuela, which belongs to the Central Bank of Venezuela, it does not belong to the government, it belongs to an independent institute
Britain’s High Court said on Wednesday it will rule “as soon as possible” in the case of obtaining Venezuelan gold deposited in England, which is claimed by the administration of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, and the parallel team of the opposition leader. Juan Guaido.
At the end of a three-day trial in London, the five judges at the UK’s highest court acknowledged it would take “some time” to examine the complex arguments raised by the lawyers involved, who today concluded their allegations.
(what’s more: London confirms recognition of Guaido as president of Venezuela
The Supreme Court, which has analyzed an appeal by Guaido against a previous unsupported opinion, must determine who the British CEO truly considers the all-purpose ruler in Venezuela, and which Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) board will have authority in principle over gold.
If she finally concludes, based on English jurisprudence – and not just on what the CEO in London says – that the leader is Guaido, she will have to clarify whether a British judge should accept his political appointments (including the Board of Directors), though The fact that it was invalidated by the Supreme Court of Caracas.
(In the context of: Dispute over Venezuelan gold reserves reaches British court)
In this regard, Maduro stressed that international sanctions “persecution” and “theft of assets abroad” have harmed the country, and stressed that those assets “say that they are owned by a government that does not exist in Venezuela.”
“They invented the government of Narnia, out of a fantasy to steal our companies, our money, our accounts and steal gold from Venezuela,” the president said without mentioning Guaido.
Finally, consider it a case of “21st century piracy because this money is from Venezuela.” He concluded that “this gold belongs to the Venezuelans, and specifically to the Central Bank of Venezuela, they are the country’s reserves.”

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