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Luis Felipe Tovar and the project he almost lost for not being “handsome”

Luis Felipe Tovar and the project he almost lost for not being “handsome”

Luis Felipe Tovar has more than 40 years in the media business.

Luis Felipe Tovar has more than 40 years in the media business.

During the third Baguio International Film Festival in mid-June, the actor is from Puebla Louis Philippe Tovar He was awarded the Alonso Echanove Medal (awarded for best performance), for a career spanning more than four decades.

Thank you for making me participate in something very important in my life, which I embrace with all the love and passion in the world,” said Tovar after acknowledging his 42-year career in more than a hundred television, film and theater productions.

Winner of three Ariel L beginning and endAnd Alley of Miracles And There is no senderFor more than 20 years, it has had an acting school dedicated to the integrated interpretation of actors, especially in the field of cinema.

But all these achievements would never have been achieved or perhaps they would not have been so many If only he had listened to those who underestimated him for not being handsome by their standards.

Luis Felipe Tovar has shaped his career mainly in film and television and it has been nearly two decades since he tried to expand his experience now on television. “Back then, as now, if you weren’t on TV, you wouldn’t be a nobody because people rarely went to the theater and cinema back then wasn’t at its best either,” he said. Interview with Jordi Rosado.

According to his story, he had to face the stereotypes of the leading man “athletic, handsome, colored eyes, blond, etc.” He obviously didn’t fit that profile, “They didn’t even invite me (…), but I have other skills that this guy with that physical appearance wouldn’t have. I have a higher level of training and my look is more authentic because the stereotypes will come out in a very strange way, as she trusts that beauty.

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The disdain for his own immense talent created doubts that were undermining his security, “At some point, like everyone, there are things that make you annoying, generate insecurities, and musings about why they would leave you at a disadvantage if they considered someone a better fit,” he admitted on the show. confessions with Aurora Valle.

What you didn’t expect is that The same prejudices of beauty followed him to the stageone of the lands he saw born as an actor.

Tovar was one of the first to join the stage Adventurethe story depicting the young woman “Elena Tejero”, who in search of a better life meets and is deceived by “Lucio, El Gabo”, who sells her to “Rosora”, Madruta who forces her into prostitution in Kumbala.

In that first season, Edith Gonzalez gave life to “Elena”, Luis Felipe to “Lucio” and Carmen Salinas to “Rosora”, in addition to being the producer of the musical.

“When I was going to do ‘Lucio, el Guapo,’ the producers came to tell me, when Carmelita Salinas had already left the panel, that I wasn’t going to disgrace myself, but for Lucio, El Guapo, they wanted a handsome guy, they wanted me to read another character,” he told Valli.

The producers insisted again and seeing that the actor wouldn’t give in to their request, they asked him not to mention their meeting to Salinas,” I told them “of course, no problem”.

What became clear to Tovar from this experience, and from others where his body was a subject, was that every time a character won he was motivated by their desire to want to be involved and prove it through screen or stage.

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