East Africa News Post

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L’Oréal-Unesco Award Winner

L’Oréal-Unesco Award Winner

Dr. Mir’s project is being implemented by the Research Platform of the University of the Republic at the Salto Campus, in collaboration with the Department of Public Health Laboratories of the Ministry of Public Health (DLSP-MSP).

The research focuses on studying the epidemiological dynamics of HIV on the basis of viral genetic sequences, which is an essential approach for the prevention of infectious diseases.. Because HIV has a time lag between infection event and clinical diagnosis, conventional epidemiological surveillance cannot always identify outbreaks in a timely manner.

The winner was chosen from among 15 other proposals submitted for the call. They had to follow a line of research in the field of development in the country, clear and demonstrable; Whether in natural and exact sciences, engineering and technology, medical and health sciences, or agricultural sciences.

Diana Meer holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the University of the Republic’s Faculty of Science (Udelar), a Master’s in Bioinformatics from the Basic Science Development Program (PEDECIBA) and a PhD in Science, Computational Biology and Systems option from Fundação Oswaldo Cruz from Brazil.

Dr. is currently working as a professor in the Genomics and Bioinformatics Unit at the Regional University Center (Senur) Littoral Norte of Cumhuriyet University. She is also a PEDECIBA Scholar Class III and Scholar Class I in the National System of Scholars (SNI).

For her part, Dr. Shabakatha thanked her for the support and congratulations she received for winning the award.


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