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Lionel confirms that the ‘gap’ with Abenader is narrowing

Lionel confirms that the ‘gap’ with Abenader is narrowing

The former President of the Republic and head of the Forza del Pueblo party, Leonel Fernandez, confirmed yesterday that the difference in the intention to vote for the next presidential election in 2024 between him and the head of state, Luis Abenader, “is narrowing”.

This was stated by the former president during his participation in the weekly lunch of the Corripio Communications Group, explaining that according to surveys, the advantage enjoyed by President Abinader is between 8 and 12 percent.

He explained that “the president of the republic today is between 39% and 42% in the intention to vote, and they have 49. In our case (the ratio) is between 30 and 34%, so the gap is narrowing.”

Constitutional reform
Similarly, Fernandez went back to issue a ruling on the constitutional amendment proposed by Abenader’s government, claiming that it was “not known exactly” what the ruling party was looking for, asserting once again that the constitution grants autonomy to the Public Prosecution Office.

“One does not know exactly what the president wants from constitutional reform, he insisted that he wants a reform that guarantees the independence of the Public Prosecution Office, that is what was said,” the former president said.

On this approach, he also asserted that the Constitution of the Republic does indeed grant functional, administrative and operational autonomy to this oppressed body.

On the point that it is the President of the Republic who appoints the Prosecutor General, Fernandez pointed out that the reason for this is that the historical constitutional model assumed by the state is that of the United States, France and Spain, where the highest figure in the executive branch determines who occupies this position, It affirms that judicial entities enjoy independence in those countries.

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Fernandez said that if it is a question of anti-corruption protection, what can be done is that the Deputy Prosecutor General responsible for the Public Prosecutor in charge of Administrative Anti-Corruption (BEPCA) is appointed by the Public Prosecution Council, and there the goal is obtained without the need to amend the country’s constitution .

Focuses on FP
Likewise, the former president stressed that there were still 90 laws to be known and approved by the National Congress that would strengthen Magna Carta, calling for the unification of the Constitution over time. “Let’s go in parts,” he said. “You don’t change the constitution every four years, you need stability.”

The head of the People’s Power also said that he is focused on that organization, and therefore he should devote all his time and energy to concluding a political program that can truly compete and be elected.