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Librado Carrasco, Academician appointed to the Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Oriental Andalusia

Librado Carrasco, Academician appointed to the Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Oriental Andalusia

the Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences in East Andalusia, Based in Granada, it held the opening ceremony for the academic year 2023 and Appointed Librado Carrasco Otero as a steady academic, Professor of Comparative Pathological Anatomy, PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Cordoba and current Director General of Research Planning at the Andalusian Military Council. The event, which took place at the College of Veterinarians of Granada, was moderated by the President of the Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Eastern Andalusia, Antonio Vilatoro, who was accompanied by the Minister of University, Research and Innovation of the Council of Andalusia, José. Carlos Gomez Villamandos President of the Institute of the Academies of Andalusia, Benito Valdés, and Secretary of the Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Eastern Andalusia, Olvido Tejedor. Librado Carrasco gave his entry speech “Seeding Hope: Project Rocinant” He was answered by Eduardo Ruiz Villamor, Permanent Academician of the Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Oriental Andalusia.

This “scientific and public law” entity, which turned 50 last year, as stated by its president, Antonio Vilatoro, has the function of “providing advice, publicity and the establishment of cultural and scientific events in the field of veterinary sciences”. Its scope of operation is Malaga, Jaen, Almería and Granada, where it has its headquarters. she has proven academics“People of a great human or intellectual level.” Liberado Carrasco It is appointed as a new academic steadfast and is already part of the 45 that make up the entity. “To enter the academy, you must have a series of requirements. Librado Carrasco is a great scholar, with a great curriculum and with different jobs in different areas of the university,” stressed Filatoro, who stressed that he would contribute “more” to the academy. “Throughout his career, Librado has been able to display a series of qualities that are very much in line with the principles of this entity. For us, as veterinarians, it is a great satisfaction. It can be demonstrated that through our career we can reach the highest standards within public administration,” he noted. And we have a very important role in society as he does.”

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The President of the College of Veterinarians of Granada, José Miguel Mayor, is pleased to host this event from the Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Eastern Andalusia and more on this occasion, since Librado Carrasco Otero “He’s like from home”, as he states that he is “the son of Librado Carrasco Carrillo, who was the secretary”. For Mayor, the “Rocinante” campaign, carried out by Librado Carrasco Otero in collaboration with the universities of Murcia and Cordoba and with the Spanish army deployed in Lebanon, shows “the great work of veterinarians in spreading the army outside our region”. the border “.

The Minister of the University, José Carlos Gómez, who has known about the Librado Carrasco project “since its inception”, highlighted his work: “It is a great project of cooperation with the Ministry of Defense, with the Government of Spain, for more than 14 years carrying veterinary knowledge and veterinary aid for lebanon, To a conflict zone, where the Spanish army cooperates as a mediating force, where there is such contact with the civilian population. It helps them to herd the cattle in the best possible conditions and can give them that economic return and the food they need in a poor and depressed area. It also ensures that the people of Lebanon view our army with the confidence it should have, and that it is not only a force for peace, but that it also contributes to economic development through the work of veterinarians.”

For Librado Carrasco, “it is a real honor to enter the Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Eastern Andalusia”, also in what he considers his hometown, since he spent his entire childhood in Granada. I was born in Córdoba, but my father came to work in Granada and my siblings grew up here. We studied in Granada and because of my profession I went to work in Cordoba,” he commented. Regarding his project, Librado Carrasco explained that he was born in 2009 and started working at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Cordoba, of which he is the dean, “working with the blue helmets in Lebanon.” It is a project where farmers are helped once a year, and teachers are sent for veterinary medicine and medicine. We served all farmers in southern Lebanon, Which is under the protection of the United Nations, on the border with Israel. It’s a project where the title says it all. Little by little, livestock and families have been helped, and we are planting hope in those families who have raised their standard of living, both in terms of health and financially, moving forward,” he explains.

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Entry letterSowing Hope: The Rocinante Project De Librado Carrasco was answered by Eduardo Ortiz, academic delegate at the Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Eastern Andalusia and a good friend of Carrasco. He commented, “I was a student of his, then a fellow in the chair of histology while preparing his doctoral dissertation, and later a fellow of the academy.” For Eduardo Ortiz, Librado Carrasco is “a very hardworking person, who has always shown tremendous caring and has great generosity.” For this reason, he considers his appointment as a new steady academic to be “the result of that character which he has”.