Dallas, Texas.- “Latin Trekkers” A group of latin women Who has a daily struggle to take care of their home, children, and work, but also decide to devote some time to their physical and mental health in order to Conquer and discover the trails of Dallas and Fort Worth.
This group started last September with only two members, founder Magda Resendez, and director Jocelyn Magana. And within a few months they managed to gather 30 members, all of whom were Hispanic.
They have a WhatsApp group where daily Motivation to exercise at homeI know Share recipes to better feed your family They organize weekends to walk the Metroplex trails.
“We like to feed each other well, and motivate each other,” says Magda Resendez.
She says she changed her diet over two years and was able to lose 200 pounds for 154, by disciplining her body. Magda is a housewife and mother of four He started hiking after going through times of stress and depression.
But besides losing weight or doing physical activity, they are supported so that Hispanic mothers can organize their day and spend time with their families without neglecting their health and well-being, they comment.
Jocelyn Magana is a mother of three, she hikes and gives nutritional advice as well as a volunteer.
“Some say, ‘I don’t give up for the day, not even for coffee with you,'” Magana says.
“Of course, if we do that and we do all the work that you do at home, we get everything done and give ourselves time and enjoy hiking 100% without getting stressed.”
Women who wish to join the “Senderistas Latinas” group must be persistent and open to changing their habits. They can be contacted through the Facebook page “Senderistas Latinas”.
The organizers ask them a series of questions to find out their commitment to the group. They are then asked to be participative and given a T-shirt, which they must wear on rides or roads to get to know each other and avoid getting lost.
They found hiking a cure for stress and depression
When her son, Magda, entered the army It started with a lot of anxiety, stress and depression This made him constantly get sick and even lose his hair.
In her quest to regain her mental health, she began hiking and trekking alone in Dallas. This was where I met Jossilin and they decided to start the “Latina Senderistas” group.
I have a son in the army. Since then, I started feeling a lot of stress and depression and spent all the time crying,” Magda says.
“Then he pretended I didn’t know how to get this out and started making me sick. My hair started falling out, I started getting a lot of stress and I said, ‘I need something different.'”
She is not the only one who has gone through this, there are also within the members more who have seen an improvement in their physical and mental health when hiking.
Other members told them that after the outing, her hair stopped falling out and she feels happier and more motivated.
Hiking helps improve their health from head to toe
But how does walking or walking outdoors affect both Psychological health?
Jocelyn explains that when walking, the mind is stimulated by contact with nature and when done in a group, the motivation can be greater when socializing and exercising.
“I explain to them that when walking, this kind of sport, their feet touch everything
Points, he explains in detail, “Your entire system is working. We, right now, are working with whatever is hurting with whatever is happening right now (epidemic stress)”.
Plus, it’s cheaper than paying for a gym and more entertaining for the mind to get out and discover natural places.
Other benefits of hiking
– You breathe better
It works on the whole body
– Activates feelings
– It’s cheaper than the gym
– Learn more about the environment

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