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La Fortaleza |  End 2024

La Fortaleza | End 2024

Access all our stories about the election process in Result 2024.

Citizenship Commissioner and New Progressive Party (PNP) gubernatorial candidate Jennifer Gonzalez Colon said in an interview. Speaker If he becomes governor, “none of the agency heads of the Pierluzzi administration” will remain in their positions.

“I can now understand the pettiness of the agency heads because there are principals who have to protect their political boss, what amazes me more and more is how the governor (Bierluisi) is using the agency heads for his proselytizing campaign. I’m daily,” the official said yesterday after appearing on a special program. End 2024On WABA television, the two candidates for the top post on the Palma ballot presented their proposals – in separate categories – on education, health, security and political status.

For example, he denounced Manuel Laboy Rivera, executive director of the Central Office for Recovery, Reconstruction and Resilience (COR3), as “doing politics” instead of performing his official function.

The GAO (United States Comptroller General’s Office) says Puerto Rico has used only 8% of its reconstruction funds, and the director of FEMA (Emergency Management Agency) says there is still a long way to go to complete reconstruction. “Instead of focusing on that, we have a secretary who politicizes the dangers of changing the government,” denounced González Colón, who added that COR3’s work had already ended and the agency had become a corporation. making it impossible”.

Seeks to maximize the use of federal funds

According to the commissioner, the inefficiency of agency heads and public agencies over a four-year period led to the loss of billions in federal funding for education, health and housing.

“The work and sacrifices I made in Congress to get those funds, and seeing them go unused, says a lot about the agility of the government to manage this. You see things like that and you realize that these agencies talk a lot and do little. They talk about how they do things, but it doesn’t work. “I believe we need to get things done,” he said.

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To avoid the loss of federal funds resulting from the expiration of programs or the end of their availability, González Colón proposed to give more powers to the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration (Prfaa, in English) and appoint personnel to the department. The Treasury is devoted exclusively to overseeing the administration of government accounts designated for funds remitted by the United States.

“I’m going to be aware of that from day one, and I’m not going to hand it over. There are agency heads who don’t know that they’re available (central funds) because they’re deposited into the treasury. And we need to start transferring all these cases to other municipalities that are more proactive in providing, getting contractors and bids. , they are seen at the right time,” he reiterated.

related to

Citizenship Commissioner Jennifer Gonzalez Colon announced today that her office is accepting proposals for local or community projects (Community Project Funding). Thus they can be considered to allocate funds in the central government’s budget for the financial year 2025. The commissioner will receive proposals until next Tuesday, April 30.

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Access all our stories about the election process in Result 2024.

Health impairment due to mismanagement

According to the commissioner, one of the consequences of the mismanagement of federal funds by the current administration is the crisis in the health system facing Puerto Rico, the exodus of professionals and the closing of hospitals.

“All this is due to the government’s financial management. Since I arrived in 2017, we have approved $36,000 million in health care for Puerto Rico. During the pandemic we changed the federal match from 55% to 100% for two years, and then negotiated $20,000 million through 2027. Still, the government doesn’t offer mandatory Medicaid programs like long-term care, and money has been diverted. Usage is not maximized.

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He is not going to represent

On the other hand, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, González Colón, Fiscal Control Board (JCF) Debt Adjustment Program (PAD) of the Electric Power Authority (PREPA) ) handed over the entire negotiation process regarding on subscribers) to pay bondholders and creditors for 30 years.

“The government of Puerto Rico has separate accounts to pay the debt and it’s between $8,000 million and $9,000 million. “We have to evaluate whether to use it to pay off the entire debt or a portion of the total so that this payment can be dramatically reduced, because of the impact it’s going to have on businesses and production. No one is talking here. “, he pointed out.

The commissioner recalled that during the 2020 election campaign, Pierluisi had promised that there would be no increase in electricity, however, there had been several rate hikes.

“The governor has not made any attempt to avoid the payment to the people. When will the governor leave it? After elementary school? “I believe this fee is very dangerous to the economy of Puerto Rico and to the mental health of our seniors who have to pay this fee,” he added.

On the possibility of the PAD ratification process being extended until 2025, the Commissioner promised to be active in the discussion of the agreement.

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“I am going to take decisions in my government, like the governor, will hand everything over to his sister or hand it over to other dignitaries. When I heard that Luma was asked to sue mayors to pay royalties and taxes and that he did not give instructions to his agency heads, the DTCE ( Economic Development and Trade Department), it is not the people that can be expected from the ruler,” he said.

In that sense, González Colón insisted that the reason for aspiring to the position of governor is to protect the people and not the interests of private contractors and suppliers.

Presenting ideas

During his conversion End 2024, the commissioner had the opportunity to propose several proposals, including separating the Puerto Rico Police Bureau from the Department of Public Safety (DSP) to avoid internal power struggles; reforming the powers of the Office of Health Insurance Administration (ASES) and Patient Advocacy so it can oversee Medicare plans; Create more spaces for medical residencies in hospitals and make all University of Puerto Rico (UPR) courses available online.

At the same time, the Commissioner called on Governor Pierluzzi to hold a local referendum with the definitions approved by the US Congress, and that “the people define themselves using the definitions of the federal judiciary” and the President to push that decision in the federal Congress with the currently available resources.