Kylian Mbappe is one of the slogans Paris Saint-Germain (Paris Saint-Germain) with Lionel Messi And Neymarbut a scorer League 1 He is slated to be the main banner of the facility with a goal next season. His ancestry within the delegation is a beacon to the youngest club of youth and his rapid rise in the French national team places him as the flag of the representative team. Didier Deschamps on crime. However, its popularity has sparked controversies due to different positions with the two jerseys, which returned for a new chapter on Thursday.
The attacker showed clear anger at the French newspaper L’Equipe Because he made a note about an event that was going to happen last March, when they Bleus faced two commitments with solo wins 4-0 vs Holland and 1-0 vs Ireland To qualify for Eurocopa 2024. This situation occurred under Focus in ClairefontaineWhere was thereSix playersOf the 21 teams who had intended to fast during Ramadanwhich began on Thursday, March 23rd. Given the possibility of having “He hits” If this wish is not respected, the newspaper stressed under the heading ‘Mbappe to the rescue’that the attacker interceded with the young man to stop a violent procedure.
“Kylian Mbappe has been asked to speak to the younger generation. Before training, the star striker of Paris Saint-Germain W Why blues He asserted that he understood their point of view, but discouraged them from taking any collective action‘, they wrote in their official networks to promote the supposed good behavior of Kiki. However, within one hour of writing tweetThe message reached the ears of the protagonist, who issued a harsh response to the information: “Avoid putting my name in your stories and check your sources, please… Good evening.”.
The paragraph of disagreement, which enraged the party, was detailed in the morning note. Faced with the potential for major conflict, they elaborated: “These private exchanges have been taken very seriously by the federation. It is not only about the team’s performance, but also about their ability to win the match.” They added:At the end of these tense hours, some gave up the fast, others split the difference and decided to “skip” some days, but not all.“.
This is not the first time that Mbappe Involved in a situation unrelated to football at the national level. Recently, he has embodied a fierce debate over the use of image rights for national team players. In March 2022, Donatello He refused to attend various advertisements from the French Football Federation (FFF) and last September posed for them in a photo shoot with his teammates. Gallic.
Already closer in time, a similar episode occurred under the umbrella of the leader in the local championship. The number was used without his consent as part of a campaign to recruit members for the next season and he showed his anger on social media: “Paris Saint-Germain is a great club and a big family, but it’s not Kylian Saint-Germain.”.
Behind the nuances indicated in each event, this debate about the link between Mbappe Added to the alleged rejection of a religious practice referring to the Islamic beliefs of Muslims was the 24-year-old footballer’s counter-attack, which he signed with the current league champions. League 1 It ends in 2024 and it is not known what its future will be in the short term.
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