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Keys to individual nutrition for cancer patients

Keys to individual nutrition for cancer patients

Nutritional therapy varies for each patient due to the treatment they are undergoing and how their body reacts to food.

Lcda. Zuania Clemente Torres, Specialist in Nutrition and Dietetics

During the panel of specialists from Auxilio Mutuo Hospital conducted by the Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ms. Zuania Clemente Torres, Clinical Dietitian, highlighted the The importance of nutritional therapy in cancer patients.

Nutrition for cancer patients is important, because the type of treatment administered can lead to symptoms that can affect the nutritional management performed so far.

Primarily, follow-up of the patient is done, determining the type of cancer he has, the type of treatment he is administering or will be starting, and the changes in weight he can present before and during treatment.

In the same way, some questions are asked about how he has managed his diet and ‘if it has affected his food intake, this is very important when the intervention is carried out with PatientTo see how it can be improved treatment Nutrition” confirmed by Lcda. Zuania Clemente.

This diagnosis is related to Biochemical data in parameters From the laboratory and symptoms of it Patient can be served during treatmentSuch as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, difficulty swallowing, and others.

Based on all the data collected, the nutritional therapy that will be recommended to the patient has been determined, since it is essential that he/she has a good diet before and during treatment. “Food plays a very important role, providing food energy, nutrients, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water, which helps the patient to tolerate treatmentHe referred to Lcda. Zuania Clemente.

In the same way, it is important to observe that tolerance Patient To him or serve towards the types of food, because some foods can be recommended and Patient You can’t stand it or you don’t like it. At that moment, the symptoms that appear are determined, the food Does not tolerate education Patientwhich is guidance, so that later you can make the necessary adjustments to your diet.

And Patient If you feel nauseous, it is recommended to eat dry foods such as: Crackers and cereal Dry, because this type of food can help with medical treatment, “We’re working with the multidisciplinary team, because doctors can make adjustments to their medications to reduce symptoms,” Lcda commented. Zuania Clemente.

This process takes place day in and day out, it is a constant monitoring of the patient, about what he feels, what he eats and how he tolerates food. We always strive to determine and recommend the appropriate nutritional therapy to the patient, so a daily follow-up is done to the patient, so that he can notify the dietician what he ate, how many times a day and how their food tolerance was

In that case Patient Not eating enough, oral supplements are recommended, as an additional aid in treatment food. If it Patient In case of loss of appetite, oral steroids are prescribed.

treatment For cancer patients, it is a daily process in which the diet is always modified, either due to tastes or tolerance issues, until success is achieved. Patient Eat well and feel good.