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Justice opens the working group for digital transformation of legal news for forensic sciences

Director General of the Digital Transformation of the Justice Department at the Ministry of Justice. Eture Cubewhich opened yesterday, in Barcelona, Forensic Science Digital Transformation Working GroupWithin the framework of the three specialized working days in cybersecurity, forensic sciences and contracting in the justice sector that are held this week, before the celebration of the first digital transformation forum of the Department of Justice scheduled to be held on April 20 and April, 21st.

The Forensic Science Digital Transformation Working Group was organized in collaboration with Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), Generalitat de Catalunya, Institute of Forensic and Forensic Medicine, National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Medicine, Forum for Digital Transformation of Justice.

The aim of this conference is to share goals between the Ministry of Justice and the Autonomous Communities regarding digitization in forensic sciences and to disseminate the agreement reached at the Justice Sector Conference on 25 March.

opening day

At the opening ceremony, Aitor Cobo emphasized that one of the goals of these conferences “is to bring the joint creation of value closer between administrations, citizens and the private sector, thus strengthening the role of justice in the Spanish digital transformation, and maximizing the benefits it offers”.

With regard to cross-departmental governance, the Director General of Digital Transformation referred to the sectoral conference, and indicated that there is a dynamism for holding technical committee meetings more frequently and with more active participation. According to Kubo, “this meant making progress on issues related to human resources, such as organizing remote work or managing physical resources.”

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At the opening ceremony, in addition to Cobo, Secretary of the Administration of Justice in the Ministry of Justice of Catalonia, Eusebi Camdebadros; Director General of the Modernization of the Administration of the Judiciary in Catalonia Dora Telado; And Director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Catalonia, Eneko Barbería.

round tables

During the day, several round tables were held during which various technology projects in progress and opportunities for digitization and transformation of justice with the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Funds under the 2030 Justice Plan were presented.

Among the projects submitted, business sector expertise in forensics and audio digitization, strengthening forensic data in developing prevention strategies in public health and designing comprehensive management systems were highlighted. Sciences.

Justice sector working groups

On the other hand, the Cyber ​​Security Working Group was held on Tuesday in Lyon. On behalf of the Ministry of Justice, the opening session was attended by the Secretary-General for Innovation and Quality in the Public Service of Justice, Manuel Olmedo. Finally, on Thursday, April 7, in Madrid, the Minister of Justice, Pilar Loeb, will participate in the conference focused on procurement, technological solutions and European funds.