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Judge interrupts former Bolivian president Jeanine Anez’s strike  international

Judge interrupts former Bolivian president Jeanine Anez’s strike international

Protesters linked to the government are protesting the ban on Nez's hospitalization.
Protesters linked to the government are protesting the ban on Nez’s hospitalization.Martin Alibase (EFE)

A judge boycotted the 11-day hunger strike Executed by former Bolivian President Jeanine Anez to demand freedom. He said that protecting his life “has a privilege even above his will.” The prison administration stated that, in implementation of this order, it provided the rehydration serum to the former president “with the patient’s consent”. ñez’s daughter tweeted that she had been drugged to put the serum in her veins and that she feared it was intended to kill her mother. This was rejected by the authorities.

Áñez, who is In prison for about a yearOn Friday, he felt bad in one of the trial sessions against him for taking over the country’s presidency in November 2019, for allegedly violating the constitution. The session had to be suspended and the eighth criminal judge ordered the transfer of the former president to a hospital for the purpose of hydration and feeding, whether she wanted to or not. Her relatives had been seeking Sneez’s hospitalization for a long time, so presumably the former president had to accept that willingly. Even the opposition considered it an achievement of the strike, which he carried out alone.

But the conversion did not materialize. As soon as they learned of the matter, groups of protesters from the Socialist Movement (MAS) gathered at the prison gates to prevent this from happening. They clashed with other demonstrators who denounced the alleged presence of political prisoners in the country and caused an uproar. The governor of the detention center then reported the “physical impossibility” to take Nez to hospital. The judge then ordered public service doctors to go to prison “to restore Mrs. Anez’s health so that her life would be out of danger, even with having to act against the will” of the attacker.

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The opposition interpreted these events as a judicial setback resulting from official pressure. From Onez arrested in March 2021Politicians opposed to the MAS denounce that this party has taken control of the judges, which is why, in their opinion, they are too strict with the defence. Áñez tried several times to go to the hospital, but the government always prevented her. “We demand that Luis Arce guarantees the life of the former president and that he is immediately transferred to a health center protected from the Masista trauma groups,” former President Carlos Mesa wrote on Twitter. Luis Fernando Camacho, Governor of Santa Cruz, wrote: “While justice dictates are clearly not respected, Masimo applies a clear form of torture by preventing Jeanine Anez from receiving the health care she needs.”

Mesa and other political figures, such as Samuel Doria Medina, asked Janine Anez for breakfast. “As long as there is life, there is hope to reverse the injustice to which you are subjected,” the latter said.

Anyes go on hunger strike On the eve of the start of the controversial trial over his actions and those of the military leadership in the hours that followed Overthrow of President Evo Morales. This is interrupted by legal technicalities. The opposition considers the trial illegitimate, as it is not ratified by the House of Representatives, as is appropriate when the accused is a former president. The MAS justifies the action because it refers only to what happened in the days before ñez was declared president and does not address her administration.

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According to the indictment, Jeanine Anez, then the second vice president of the Senate, acted against her duties and against the constitution two days after the resignation of President Evo Morales, Her successor was announced without the express approval of Congress, and was sworn in with the support of the army and police leaders at the time, who were also tried in the same process. Two of them, former Navy and Air Force captains, pleaded guilty and were sentenced to three years in prison. Oniz and the other defendants who will undergo the procedure can be sentenced to up to 12 years in prison.

The opposition, which fully supported Nez’s seizure of power, considers this to be legal and states that at that time it was upheld by a ruling of the Constitutional Court through a press release. After the fall of Morales, ñez became the highest authority in the country due to the resignation of the main parliament leaders, who belong to the MAS. The Constitutional Court then stated that, by jurisprudence, presidential succession must be automatic (“de facto”) to avoid a power vacuum, although it is not specified who should take over the presidency. After a while, the same court retracted its declaration that her statement lacked legal force.

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