“the Dopamine It is what encourages you to go for it “Find the fun, what motivates you, what makes you effortless.” Doing a specific activity. This is how Catalan neuroscientist Sarah Teller described what is considered the hormone of happiness in an interview with EL ESPAÑOL | Sustainable Development Goals area. He explained that the neurotransmitter “is released when the brain’s reward circuitry is activated Bound by desire“.
[Qué es la dopamina y por qué es tan importante para nuestro bienestar: sus funciones principales]
Whenever dopamine is talked about, it is associated with happiness, with positive sensations and reactions. But Taylor warned in the interview that “It also has its dark sideBecause he emphasized that “this desire to ‘I want more of what I love’ can get out of control and… […] “It can become addictive.”
He gave an example of his argument: “If I get a ten on an exam and I was expecting a six, I get a dopamine boost, or if I make a post on Instagram and it turns out I have a lot of other points.” Likes Than I expected, because I would also get a dopamine reward. Surprises, novelties, anything unexpected, also cause a lot of dopamine.”
What does dopamine do?
This neurotransmitter has a lot to do with it different body functions, Such as learning, memory, movement, mood, appetite, or sleep. This is precisely why many people are looking for a way to activate dopamine, which is released when they feel pleasure or satisfaction.
[¿Qué funciones tiene la dopamina en mi cuerpo y cómo puedo aumentarla?]
But what can we do in our daily lives, without checking ourselves, to encourage dopamine to work in our bodies? There is a (very) common activity that is preferable to engaging in: listening to music.
Music is the source of happiness
The reader has probably experienced it at some point: a song plays and their skin crawls. You feel a tingling sensation and suddenly feel pleasure, relaxation and even euphoria. The feelings that music awakens in us have a lot to do with dopamine.
A study published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences PNAS confirms that music is able to activate neurotransmitters that produce happiness. The researchers showed a The causal relationship between dopamine levels and pleasure resulting from listening to music. That is, the desire to listen to a song that you enjoy every time you play it again is stimulated by the dopamine that the brain secretes while listening to it.
[Estos son los 5 hábitos que la neurociencia recomienda incluir en el día a día para ser feliz]
The results were clear: when someone listens to pleasant music, our brain is activated, dopamine increases, and the sympathetic nervous system is activated. This whole process does nothing but stimulate emotions. Hence give us some songs highOthers make us sad, and others we can't stop listening to.

“Social media evangelist. Student. Reader. Troublemaker. Typical introvert.”
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