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Jesus Christ sexy?  This artist's painting sparks controversy on social media

Jesus Christ sexy? This artist's painting sparks controversy on social media

Written by Nicole Acevedo – NBC News

The controversy that arose in Spain and on social networks due to a poster of Jesus created to promote Holy Week in Seville, sparked mixed reactions between Spanish conservatives, who considered the image a “deviation” and Jesus “sexual and effeminate”, and social media users. who defended the painter's artistic vision and created memes mocking the image.

The Council of Brothers, which organizes the main events of Holy Week in Seville, Months ago, he commissioned the famous artist Salustiano Garcia Create a promotional board to celebrate.

Painting of Christ by Spanish artist Salustiano García, created as the official poster for Holy Week in Seville 2024, in his studio in Bormujos, near Seville, on January 29, 2024.Christina Koeckler/AFP – Getty Images

Garcia unveiled the final product on Saturday during a ceremony attended by the leadership of the Brotherhood Council in Seville, as well as the city's mayor, José Luis Sanz.

The painter then explained to local media that his version of the risen Jesus painted on a simple red background was inspired by his son Horacio. Garcia's work received great acclaim and appreciation during the painting's inauguration.

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Speaking to the media after the event, Horacio stated that he heard people say that the picture of Jesus his father painted was “very attractive. […] Thank you very much. That's all I have to say.”

Artist Salustiano García with his son and model Horacio, in front of his painting of Jesus created to promote Holy Week celebrations in Seville.Christina Koeckler/AFP – Getty Images

But after the incident, criticism erupted.

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Javier Navarro, of Spain's far-right Vox party, said on the social media platform

Pablo Hertfelder García Conde, president of the religious freedom organization IPSE, known for its ultra-conservative Catholic views, Comment On the social network

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Launched an organization for Christian lawyers Petition Request to remove the sticker The resignation of the head of the Brotherhood, Francisco Velez.

The petition had collected more than 21,000 signatures as of Thursday afternoon.

In response to the criticism, the painter announced to Spanish newspaper ABC that his depiction of Jesus was “gentle, elegant, and beautiful” and created with “deep respect.”

“In order to see sexuality in my image of Christ, you have to be sick,” he noted, saying that there was “nothing” in his painting “that has not already been represented in works of art dating back hundreds of years.”

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User of the social network He replied The backlash with the message: “Prepare yourselves for the homophobia that the Holy Week poster will unleash in Seville.”

Rafa Lopez, also a well-known Spanish sociologist and political scientist He replied Criticism on a news program: “Those who are exposed by the Holy Week poster in Seville do so not because it is a tradition, but because They are deeply racist and homophobic.“.