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Jeremiah Williams accused of sexually abusing Harris District prison sergeant who was studying the Bible |  Univision 45 Houston KXLN

Jeremiah Williams accused of sexually abusing Harris District prison sergeant who was studying the Bible | Univision 45 Houston KXLN

Houston, Texas. – Harris District Sheriff, Ed Gonzalez, They admitted that they deal with very complex inmates who do not want to be imprisoned, and when idle time passes while waiting to go to court, they become very hostile and often attack staff.

It was said at a press conference that he had offered to explain what had happened in one case Assaulted and raped sergeant Imprisonment of a prisoner who leaves a Bible study class.

“The prisoner was upstairs, and when he was about to return to his room after finishing his Bible study, he saw an open door, and the sergeant was there. He went in and closed the door and started beating her brutally, ”the official said.

Until now, There are reports of approximately 1,200 attacks Prisoners to staff: Records of prison guards throwing prison guards, officials say Urine and feces.

The inmate was charged with beating and raping a sergeant at the Harris County Jail

“The police do a great job of arresting them and taking them down the streets, but they need someone to take care of them while they wait for their day in court. To our staff, I congratulate them because they do a great job every day,” Gonzalez said.

Sheriff Described what happened to the sergeant: “It’s something that has rocked us centrally. Personally I can tell you, I have had a variety of feelings over the last two days, from anger to being unwell. The heart is broken, just catastrophic ”, Reveals.

The victim has been with the department for more than two decades and, according to union sources, He was not identified from the blows he received. On the day of the attack, 42 ​​detainees had one person and two supervisors at the site, when the government needed 48 inmates to have an employee, he said.

Are you a victim of abuse in Houston?

The Harris County Attorney’s Office has a tool for victims to record the attacks they experience and report them to the police. We tell you what it is in the following video.

Are you a victim of abuse in Houston? You may be interested in this information

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