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Jamie Foxx has been arrested with a good face after helping a woman who lost her purse in Chicago

Jamie Foxx has been arrested with a good face after helping a woman who lost her purse in Chicago

Jamie FoxxI helped a woman who lost her purse in Chicago And it was seen Seemingly healthy After suffering from a mysterious illness.

The actor appears to be in good spirits in a video posted to social media by a fan of the Windy City star, Ray.

According to the sixth page, in the pictures Fox is seen smiling as he gets into his truck After the kind gesture with the woman who yells affection in the company of another and hear say “Thank you, Jimmy.”

My mom lost her purse in Chicago today, Jamie Foxx [sic] I found it and “He brought it to her and said it feels good, God willing,” a fan wrote with the video.

Jamie Foxx has hardly appeared in public

On Sunday afternoon, Rep He was seen on a yacht on the Chicago River. It was his first public appearance since his admission to the hospital on April 12.

TMZ noted that Foxx He was also out on Saturday in Qi City, “On your feet and in a good mood.”

With his most recent public appearance, it was Speculation is that Foxx is now physically and even visually weak.

On the contrary, the actor was seen in a good mood using his phone and greeting his fans who were excited to see him.

What happened to Jamie Foxx?

In April, the actor was hospitalized for a medical emergency, However, there is a great mystery cloud surrounding the reason that led you to the emergency room.

His daughter, Corinne, was responsible for communicating what was going on with her father on April 12He wrote: “Fortunately, because of quick action and great care, he is already well on the way to recovery (…) We know how much you love him and appreciate your prayers.”

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