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Iván Duque en RD: Llama dictador a Maduro y califica situación en Ucrania como una masacre

Ivan Duque in the Dominican Republic: Maduro calls for a dictator and describes the situation in Ukraine as a massacre

Santo Domingo, d.

For half an hour the President of Colombia, Ivan Duque presented the predecessor before the National Assembly In relations between the two countries, as well as their achievements in power.

Before meeting with all the legislators, the President of the Senate, Eduardo Estrella, gave a few words in which he effectively highlighted “the achievements of Duque in his administration”.

Among them, qualified cThe vaccination campaign against Covid-19 “and the consolidation of peace in his country”.

“Peace is the most precious possession of any country, and his administration at the head of Colombia has made the security of the citizen one of his priorities, which means, together with the beauty, culture and generosity of its people, that every day tourists and Dominicans in particular, we feel more and more drawn to know and visit your great country ‘ said Estrella.

While Duque also highlighted the positive aspects achieved by the Dominican governmentHighlighting the vaccination campaign carried out by the government of Luis Abenader and described the country as standard in tourism.

However, in addition to his tributes to the country, Duque also used the stage to offer a kind of “accountability” for all that he achieved during his administration.

Colombian President, in An impromptu speech, without papers or screens, He highlighted the efforts they have made to enhance security through the police, the recovery of the economy after the Covid-19 pandemic and the consolidation of democracy.

Likewise, he referred to him The Venezuelan government, which he described as a “dictatorship”. – And the situation in Ukraine, which in his opinion is considered a “massacre”.

Regarding the Venezuelans, he said that despite the fact that they showed their emigration to the world as something humiliating, they were welcomed in Colombia as brothers, and there are currently more than 1.8 million of them on Colombian soil.

As specified by the Colombian president Democracy has “great enemies” In which he highlighted the manipulation of reality, “the apparent post-truth or fact-distortion fed today by the algorithmic manipulation of networks”.

She said He sees with concern that there are voices intending “with a curious tone to threaten economic freedoms.” In an effort to break the fraternity between employers and employees, he called on all lawmakers to defend those economic freedoms.

“Overcoming those false premises and those rhetoric that always seeks to sow electoral interests from the ashes is a debate for all, because no one elected president threatens economic liberties, and economic liberties are defended and acted upon and must be incorporated into real sentiment defending the institutional framework,” Doki said.

He also pointed out that The inflation the world is witnessing is being exploited by “populists and demagogues” To try to influence institutions and threaten conference decisions.