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It has been proven that “the higher the physical well-being, the less absenteeism from work”

It has been proven that “the higher the physical well-being, the less absenteeism from work”

Physical and emotional well-being was the main theme of the virtual meeting he organized HRDigital f Good.

Experts explain that the health of employees affects productivity in their workplace. Did you know that the healthiest employees are the most productive? After the 2020 pandemic, a large portion of employees are doing their workday from home or sharing face-to-face with the remote, which sometimes adds to the stress. This has become a problem for Spanish companies.

These are the speakers who participated in this virtual meeting:

  • Eric Vicedo, Business Development by Wellwo
  • Sol Epstein, Human Resources Technician By Zendal Group
  • Beatrice Colletto, Head of Talent Management by vivoeasy Employment Center Coordinator

What are the benefits of promoting physical well-being in companies?

It is likely that you would like to increase your mental and physical health to increase productivity in your work day. There are various ways to find this balance of well-being through different accessible activities to do on a daily basis.

A Wellwo representative has expressed some of these benefits: “Improved health, Increased energy, reduced stress, improved emotional well-being, increased task performance and focus.”

“We have a wellness program for clients and also for workers, where we prioritize a healthy work environment,” Coleto said.

During the hour-long webinar, questions like: What should leaders and managers do? HR managers to promote a culture of physical and emotional well-being in the workplace?What is the impact of a healthy diet in the workplace? How do Grupo Zendal and Vivofacil promote the physical health of all workers who are part of their workforce? Regarding the first question, a Vivofacil representative said at this meeting: “Leaders must take this physical and mental health seriously, and it is important to spread this culture of well-being from senior positions and provide the necessary resources for professional support and improvement.”

“We offer employees different options, internally and externally, so that, depending on each case, they can benefit from any of the methods, for example: personal assistance with specialists, orientation sessions …”, Epstein said.

We leave you the full session here!

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