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Invitation to present research projects in legal sciences

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The Institute of Legal Research and Studies (InEJu) of the Judicial Power School of the Salta Judiciary invites interested parties from across the province to submit proposals for research projects in legal sciences and issues related to the operation and modernization of the justice service.

The proposal targets judges and serving or retired officials; professionals and administrative staff at headquarters Central, Tartagal, Orán, Metán, Joaquín V. González and Cafayate; Professionals distinguished in their academic fields and final year students of university careers who reside in the province.

Interested parties may make their own Offers From July 1 to July 31, 2021 according to the foundations of the InEJu regulations, their work is sent to This email address is being protected against spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Or call 4258000387 ext 1169.

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