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Introduction to Go – Google’s Programming Language

Introduction to Go – Google’s Programming Language

Google is a very well-known name across numerous different fields of the tech sector primarily because the multinational company has managed to establish a strong presence almost everywhere. In 2009, Google further diversified its portfolio of offerings by introducing Go or Golang. This open-source programming language is packed with interesting features that appeal to developers all around the globe. It is a very easy-to-learn programming language that allows you to create simple and efficient programs and software. According to Stack Overflow, there are numerous reasons why Golang is so popular among developers. To help you know more about Golang, this article will cover the features of the widely-popular programming language, the various advantages of using them, and other related aspects. Let us jump right into it.

Features of the Golang Programming Language:


Here are some of the primary features of the Go programming language:


  • It is an Open-Source Programming Language.


One of the most significant features that set Golang apart from the other programming languages is that it is open-source and easily accessible by everyone who wishes to use it to create and develop programs. Furthermore, it is designed in such a way by Google that anyone can easily learn the language and get started on their programming journey. Golang deviates more towards simplicity and derives heavily from the “Less is More” ideology. A major reason why more and more organizations are trying to implement Golang is that it focuses on getting things done in a simpler and more efficient manner.


  • It Offers Support and Integrates Well With Most Database Management Systems.
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Golang works exceptionally well with numerous Database Management Systems (DBMS). It allows developers to conveniently take actions such as executing or canceling queries, making changes in the database, performing transactions, etc. One of the most-preferred DBMS for Golang projects is MySQL, using which you can manage any Go-based application or program. MySQL is a DBMS owned by Oracle that facilitates users to store, manage and process data.


To connect your Golang app or program with specific databases in MySQL, you can use the dedicated Go MYSQL driver. By connecting to MySQL DBs in Go, you can conveniently manage or access data or make alterations in the database as per your requirements.


  • It Features a Potent, Stacked Library along with Numerous Tools.


Unlike many other programming languages, Golang comes preloaded with numerous libraries. They are robust and powerful, and each pack in numerous components that facilitate developers to work more efficiently and productively. Moreover, it also eliminates the need for turning towards any third-party applications or packages since all the necessary ones are already present in the libraries.


  • It is Not Platform-Dependent.


Like JavaScript, Golang is a versatile programming language that works equally well on all operating systems, servers, and applications. Google’s simple-yet-dynamic programming language features a modular design, which allows it to be truly independent. This is another feature of Golang that greatly appeals to developers since they get the freedom to work on any device without worrying about whether their code will compile or not.

What are the Advantages of using Google’s Go Programming Language?


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There are numerous reasons why developers prefer using Golang over other languages. Let us take a look at some of the main advantages of Go:


  • It Supports the Development of Numerous Types of Applications


As mentioned earlier, Golang is a versatile programming language that features numerous powerful capabilities, one of which is support for developing multiple types of applications. Whether you wish to develop software for computer operating systems like Windows, macOS, Linux, or mobile-based OSs like Android and iOS, you can easily achieve both by using Golang.


  • It Promotes Scalability


An important aspect where Golang proves to be better than the majority of the other programming languages is scalability. Developers can conveniently use the open-source programming language to create top-tier applications that can easily handle multitasking workflows.


  • It Facilitates in Saving Time


Time plays a crucial factor in the development world, especially if there is an impending deadline. Golang offers numerous features that allow developers to drastically save time and finish up any project quickly and efficiently. The automatic variable declaration, efficient garbage collection, and other such features allow developers to get more work done in less time.


  • It Offers Top-Tier Security


Since Golang is a statically-typed programming language, users can conveniently identify and rectify errors that could make a software prone to malware attacks. Moreover, the language’s powerful garbage collector prohibits memory leaks. Therefore, Golang provides coders and developers with the right tools to prevent errors and potential mishaps.Thus, developers can create highly-secure programs with Golang.

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Since it is a powerful language that is easy to learn and implement, interested aspirants who want to step into the world of programming can choose to commence their journey by opting for dynamic programming language whose popularity is rising exponentially.