Victor Moreno Torres, Assistant in the Systemic Autoimmune Diseases Unit of the Internal Medicine Service at Puerta de Hierro Hospital.
Victor Moreno Torres has spent almost his entire career associated with the Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Madrid. he Assistant in the Systemic Autoimmune Disease Unit From the Department of Internal Medicine. But his work has not only been focused on providing care services at the center, but he also has Career in the research and academic world, with more than 30 scholarly articles published, being the lead author on more than half of them. This helped him to be selected by the Spanish Foundation for Internal Medicine (FEMI) as the best young internist in Spain with the Dr. Javier Merino Award for Young Internal Medicine Professor.
ranking Both tasks understand that they require extra effort that is not always rewarded as it should be. however, It brings great benefits to quality as a professional. On the other hand, Moreno-Torres explains that the fact that questions and hypotheses are asked during consultations allows him to ask questions that can later be reflected in studies and will lead to a potential improvement in patient care. This interest also benefits from the research: “The fact of progression and study when writing essays and projects allows you to improve attention, which is our job, without a doubt,” he says.
Present and future of internal medicine
“The current state of internal medicine is one of change, and it’s the perfect situation for that Consolidate it as the leading specialty in clinical medicine“, he explains. This is due to the fact that, during its development, during the pandemic, this specialty has become a leader in coronavirus care and research. “Moreover, in recent years we have seen that care should be a leader in inpatients and outpatients, i.e. The complexity of today’s chronically ill patients and the complexity of medicine makes the internist, because of his training and holistic nature, the one who is able to treat a patient’s multiple illnesses.”
Regarding the future, Moreno Torres believes that The specialty must grow, both in a hospital setting and in a setting outside the hospital. This includes inter-consultation and mutual assistance consultation. “Internal medicine can be a very powerful tool for establishing the link between primary care and hospitalization,” he explains.
On the other hand, it entails that the hospital’s inpatient ward is present and that internists are also present in the surgical patient wards, accompanying other clinical and surgical specialists in the management of the admitted patient. He adds, “It has already been observed that the presence of an internist along with other units, departments or departments significantly improves the assistance, management and stay of patients in the hospital.”
Award-winning professional and current projects
The doctor studied at the Autonomous University of Madrid and then did his residency in Internal Medicine at the Puerta de Hierro Hospital. In addition, it was awarded a Río-Hortega research contract and Completed a master’s degree from the Spanish Group for Systemic Autoimmune Diseases (GEAS).
Moreno Torres He stayed twice in the Systemic Autoimmune Disease Unit at Hospital de Cruces, Barakaldo, either as a resident or as a member. These months in the Basque center gave him “a lot” academically, professionally and personally. In his view, such residencies allow the establishment of networking, body of work, ideas, inspiration and motivation when it comes to research and development. So much so that he recommends it to doctors of any specialty: “Going out and moving contributes a lot. It allows you to understand how things work in other centers, to recover and to learn,” he sums up.
The interest is reflected in the fact that one of the seven current projects it is working on is with this hospital in the Basque Country. This investigation Focuses on comorbidities in patients with autoimmune diseases. Three factors have an impact on morbidity rates: income, loss of quality of life, and mortality. We’re working on issues of cardiovascular mortality, and it appears that these patients have cardiovascular events prior to their turn, infections, and finally, it appears that these patients may have a higher rate of neoplasia,” he explains.
Young Professor Physician Javier Merino Prize
Young Professor Physician Javier Merino Prize Each year admits internists with a clinical profile and/or Researcher, under 35 years of age, Associate of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) and with a proven track record in all areas of excellence.
For Moreno-Torres, that’s a Recognition of hard work In recent years to juggling care, research and academic work; In addition, he considers it encouraging to continue on the road. He says the accomplishments are possible thanks to the team that comprises his department and his service, whose work he describes as “extraordinary”. “Although this award has been given to me, in my own service I see every day that there are internists who far outperform me. My colleagues show me that they are of a very high standard.”
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