theThe College of Marine and Environmental Sciences will host eight distinguished meetings with experts from Denmark, Spain, Italy, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom
theto the network EuroMarineThe University Institute for Marine Research (INMAR) of the University of Cadiz, the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU) and the International Doctoral School of Marine Studies (EIDEMAR: UCA and CEI Mar) are co-organizing a series of international seminars on marine sciences in the first two weeks of July with the participation of Specialists from Denmark, Spain, Italy, Norway, Sweden and the UK. These eight distinguished meetings will be hosted by the College of Marine and Environmental Sciences at Puerto Real Campus, which will also be broadcast in the format Connected.
The conferences, which will be at 11:30 a.m. (CEST,) are part of EuroMarine Summer School on “Emerging issues in coastal marine ecosystems(eTOPs). Researcher Pip Moore of Univ Newcastle will open this course next Monday 3 with a topical topic: “Environmental, Social and Economic Effects of Marine Heat Waves” (The environmental, social and economic effects of marine heat waves), to be followed the next day by Sam Dupont of the University of Gothenburg by speaking ‘What do we (really) need to tackle ocean acidification? From knowledge to action(What do we (really) need to tackle ocean acidification? From knowledge to action). Giuseppe Soaria of CNR-ISMAR will speak in Lerici on Thursday 6 Presence, abundance, and global distribution of macro- and microplastic pollution in oceanic environments(Global incidence, abundance, and distribution of total and microplastic pollution in oceanic environments) and Miguel A. Mateo from CEAB-CSIC in Blanes will end the first week on Friday the 7th with “A paleoecological approach based on the sedimentary record of seagrass beds(A paleobiology approach based on the sedimentary record of seaweeds).
Scientist Patrizio Mariani of the Technical University of Denmark DTU will continue on Monday the 10th with “Applied underwater technologies: automation and robotics for ocean monitoring. (Applied Underwater Technologies: Automation and Robotics for Ocean Monitoring), from INMAR, Ignacio Gestoso will discuss on Tuesday the eleventh on ‘Marine Biological Invasions: Mechanisms, Effects, and Management(Marine Biological Invasions: Mechanisms, Effects, and Management). On Thursday the 13th, Antonio Tovar will attend from ICMAN-CSIC in Cadiz ‘The environmental impact of sunscreen: Using new technologies for sustainable tourism » (The environmental impact of sunscreens: Using new technology for sustainable tourism) and Mark Costello of Nord-University will conclude on Friday the 14th this series of Presentations for Excellence with ‘Biogeography of the Global Ocean: Latitude, Depth, Climate Change, and the Impact of 20°C (Biogeography of the Global Ocean: Latitude, Depth, Climate Change, Impact of 20°C).
For these ten hours of postgraduate training, both interested students and researchers must register (Yunscriptions). Online attendees will receive a Zoom link to participate in the event.
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