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Innovation, science and technology are present at Chemistry Week


Innovation, science and technology are present at Chemistry Week

press release

Bulletin No. 4263

University City, May 16, 2022

Graduated from the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Engineering (FCQeI) of the Autonomous University of Morelos (UAEM), the engineers are nationally and internationally competitive, upright, ethical professionals, with social commitment and environmental responsibility,” said University President Gustavo Urquiza Beltran. It also helps to generate research that benefits society.”

As part of the opening Week 37 for Chemistry, Engineering, Science and Technology: Designing a Sustainable FutureThe Rector of the University, who started this morning in the facilities of the aforementioned academic unit, said that this space is the benefit to modernize students and move towards a sustainable future that promotes clear and practical measures that contribute to the development of more effective policies, laws and tools for the environment.

“At the Autonomous State University of Morelos, we are aware of the importance and necessity of training professionals in these fields of knowledge, the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Engineering is one of the largest and receives every year a large number of young people who want to, for this reason it is necessary to be modernized and to have a feeling,” said the president of the university. with environmental responsibility.

For her part, Viridana Eddy Leon Hernandez, Director of FCQeI, stressed the importance of science, technology and innovation in the social and economic development of countries and society, so it is necessary to think about the sustainability of its work in these areas and how it can contribute to reducing social inequalities.

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Today’s activities started with the main conference Knowledge-Based Innovation for Sustainable Mexicoby Carla Graciela Sedano Villavicencio, Secretary of Technological Management and Connectivity of the Institute of Renewable Energies (IER) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), who spoke about the importance of knowledge generation in educational institutions, as well as some of the challenges and areas of opportunity in our country for progress in terms of innovation.

It is worth noting that the file Week 37 of Chemistry, Engineering, Science and Technology It concludes on May 20 and consists of 16 major conferences, plenary sessions, and II Research and Postgraduate Symposium25 science and technology workshops, three seminars and the fifth collaborative chemistry competition, in addition to cultural and sports activities, which can be consulted through the Facebook account: Fcqei-oficial Uaem.

The opening was also attended by Jose Mario Ordonez Palacios, Academic Secretary of the United Arab Emirates. Alvaro Zamudio Lara, General Coordinator for Planning and Management; Mariana Chet Hernandez, Head of Corporate Transparency on behalf of Fabiola Alvarez Velasco, Secretary General; Jesus Eduardo Mercado Salmerón, on behalf of Cesar Gonzalez Mejia, President of the University Students’ Union (FEUM), faculty, administrative staff and students of the College.

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