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In Tecnopolis you can chat with those who exercise science and sovereignty in Antarctica

In Tecnopolis you can chat with those who exercise science and sovereignty in Antarctica

It has been reported that scientists and researchers, who are working to deepen knowledge about all aspects of Argentine territory in Antarctica, will share their progress and experiences with visitors to the massive Technopolis Science, Culture and Technology Fair this weekend.

Ministry of Science, under Pampa Azul Initiativewill submit thisSaturday and Sunday from 12 to 19 in it “factory space Technopolis, conferences “The Flag of Antarctica” This will allow visitors to show and publicize scientific activity in the Argentine Antarctica through activities that include informative talks, documentary presentations, interactive experiences and a sector specifically dedicated to workshops for children.

The proposal, promoted by the Undersecretary for Institutional Coordination of the Scientific Portfolio, is also involved in the Joint Antarctic Command (COQUANTAR), the Argentine Institute of the Antarctic (IAA), the National Geographic Institute (IGN), the National Park Service (APN), the Mineiro Geological Service (SEGEMAR) and the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences (MACN), as well as the production company Nudo, author of the documentary series “Antártida, tierra de pionerxs”.

schedule of work It includes Gallery of old photos To prove the historical presence of Argentina in Antarctica and current photos Opening of the multidisciplinary laboratory at the university Hope Foundation, In April 2023, a trial with Oculus devices from augmented reality to tour the Marambio base, Also snowmobiles, tents, sledges, and Antarctic clothing so the public can dress up and take pictures of the Antarctic landscape, as well as a sampling of stuffed birds From the Argentine Institute of Antarctica, with information on the fauna of the White Continent.

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In the permanent workshops for children, In charge of the publishers, the youngest will be able to take part in games with prints about the sea and Antarctica, collect craft paper inserts for Right Whale Laboratory and Antarctica, collect cetacean skeletons and team game “Melchior 4”

the The official opening will be on Saturday at 3:00 pm By decision of Science Minister Daniel Wilmos; Undersecretary of the Ministry of Institutional Coordination of that Ministry, Pablo Núñez; Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Malvinas Islands, Antarctica and the South Atlantic, Guillermo Carmona; the Director of the Argentine Antarctic Institute, Walter McCumark; the head of the Joint Antarctic Command, Brigadier General Edgar Calandin; among other authorities.

After the ceremony there will be vIntellectual calls with different Argentine bases in Antarctica Where visitors will be able to interact with the military and scientists deployed in the White Continent, there will also be a presentation through videos and models on the construction of the new laboratories and shelters in Antarctica that were built last summer through the Build Science programme.

at 16, commander tIce Umbi “Admiral Irizar”The ship’s captain, Carlos Recio, will present a short audio and video on the vessel, which is a mainstay of Argentina’s logistical deployment in the White Continent, and will engage in a conversation with the Antarctic Joint Command authorities.

at 17, geologist mining geological service Argentinian Alejandro Celi will talk to visitors about tsunamis and volcanoes in Antarctica, while closing the day with an introductory screening of the documentary series “Antarctica, Land of the Pioneers”.

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Sundayfrom 13, scholars from Argentine Institute of Antarctica (IAA) you will engage in various conversations with visitors; That organization’s Chief of Atmospheric Sciences, Adriana Golisano, will present “Window to Heaven: Wonderful Space Weather at Our Antarctic Bases.”

Later, IAA Glaciology Division Chief, Sebastian Marinsek, He will present the topic “Ice Retreat: Relationship between Glaciers, Sea Ice and Climate Change” and Chair of the Department of Social Sciences Pablo Fontana will present: “Saving Our Antarctic Past: History and Social Sciences in Argentina Antarctica”.

Microbiologist Graciana Willis Buratti He will be responsible for speakingSubzero But Active: Secrets of Antarctica’s Bacteria“, while the “Pioneras del MACN” group will count the visitors of “Melchior’s Four”, a surname that went down in history a team of researchers from the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences.

at 16 It will be the turn of the conversation.”Argentina, bicontinental. A New Look at Antarctica”. By Leandro Patani of the National Geographic Institute 16.30 The turn will come30 years of managing national parks in Antarctica, 30 years of sovereignty, preserving and protecting the environmentBy park rangers Pablo Sogliano and Lorena Luisa of the National Park Service.

Activities on IGN

All two days, in space national Geographic Institute, Visitors will be able to use an analog map viewer with a base map of the Argentine Antarctic Strip, where users will be able to superimpose different acrylic layers showing Antarctic bases, geographic features and permanent ice, with the aim of giving an idea of ​​the Antarctic. The use of geo-referenced information and the possibilities of integrating it into analysis and decision-making.

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There you will also find a blank bi-continental Argentina map with political division on board-mounted vinyl, as well as magnetic stickers with the names of the 24 jurisdictions and other places of interest to be placed on the blank map, to introduce the concept of map marking and identification of jurisdictions and places of interest different regions throughout the Argentine bicontinental map.

IGN’s proposal also includes a two-disc world map layout and scale ruler to introduce the projection concept, presenting a map centered on Antarctica with an equidistant projection so that you can measure distances between Antarctica and other points on the globe; In addition, other maps with different projections will be presented as auxiliary materials.

The Argentine Antarctic Institute and the National Parks Department will present graphic, audio and video materials on their activities in Antarctica in their respective spaces.