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In Sancti Spíritus, educational sciences are making their way - Escambray

In Sancti Spíritus, educational sciences are making their way – Escambray

More than 70 Cuban scholars and researchers from different countries will meet at Sancti Spíritus starting Wednesday to discuss the future of educational sciences.

Asnedi Madrigal Castro, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the event. (Photo: Yosdani Morejon/Escambrai)

The experiences of 10 Cuban universities, as well as distinguished researchers from several countries on educational sciences and the challenges of the current century, will be presented in the province starting Wednesday, at an event sponsored by the University of Sancti Spítos José Martí Pérez (UNISS) and the Network for Education Studies (REED).

This is the fifth international scientific conference of the Center for the Study of Educational Sciences of Sancti Spiritus “Raul Ferrer Perez” (CECESS), and according to Asnedi Madrigal Castro, chair of the scientific committee of the event, this will be an ideal space as he discusses contemporary artistic training, cultural identity and humanities education.

“This is the fifth edition of an event widely accepted within Cuban universities and beyond our borders, because we always have foreign participation. Doctor of Science (Dr.) Patricia Medina Zota will present the main conference on Wednesday and will address the training of educational researchers.”

According to Madrigal Castro, the event will be held virtually and Mexico, after Cuba, is the country with the largest number of participants, followed by Angola, the Dominican Republic and Peru.

The Fifth CECESS International Scientific Conference will address issues of great importance today to the island and the peoples of the region, such as the family, teacher training, educational administration, educational science challenges in the face of climate change and sustainability. development.

In total, more than 70 education professionals will participate in this important academic meeting that will run until October 15.

Within this event, the Fifth International Scientific Workshop for Universities Convergence in Educational Sciences, the Third International Scientific Workshop on Initiating School Sports and Sports, and the First International Scientific Workshop on Contemporary Technical Training will be held.

As well as the international scientific workshop for cultural identity and educational sciences and the first international scientific workshop in the teaching of humanities.

“We are attending one of the most important events for the country in terms of educational sciences. Asnedi Madrigal explained that all participants in Sancti Spíritus have the opportunity to view and socialize the results of the completed research, both for a master’s degree and a doctorate.

Students also participate in the event hosted by the University of Sancti Spíritus, who will demonstrate a synthesis of the academic, scientific and investigative journey they have developed, in relation to the topics to be discussed.

“The Fifth International Scientific Conference CECESS is of great value because it will allow us to set goals and find other ways to bring education in the country in line with the new era,” concluded the head of the scientific committee of the event.