Cuban Amelia CalzadillaA mother who became famous on social networks for her criticism of Miguel Díaz-Canel’s regime said that many people in Cuba are getting along with the regime by selling their souls.
Amelia said in an interview with the magazine, “In Cuba there are people who abandon their morals and move forward with the system and live by it, but I was not willing to do that.” Telemundo.
Amelia left Cuba last week to provide emotional and psychological stability for her family. They were subjected to pressure from State Security because of their activity against the regime on social media. She left the country with the support of her husband, a Spanish citizen.
“While the news said there was oxygen in all the hospitals, I arrived with one of my children having a severe asthma attack and they told me they couldn’t give him a nebulizer because they didn’t have mouthpieces. I was tired,” Amelia said in the interview. .
She admitted that at one time she believed in the Cuban political system, but she gradually began to free herself from every lie, and the last straw came with pressure from state security and threats to take her to prison for saying what she believed.
The Cuban mother, who now lives in exile with her three children and her partner, asserts that the end of the regime will come when all people are ready to stop it.
Amelia commented, “Against one person they can, but against 11 million Cubans they can’t.”
about him Departure from the country to SpainThe young woman said last week that she had to do this because her family was under terrible pressure.
“The reason is to provide more emotional and psychological stability for children. I have been exposed to a lot of social pressure motivated by the direct case, and judicial pressure, because they threatened me and in this circumstance you understand that you cannot protect yourself and no one will protect you,” he said.
Shortly after, he shared on social networks pictures of how his life is currently going in Spain and showed his children happy in an open environment, interacting without fear or restrictions.

“Music buff. Social media lover. Web specialist. Analyst. Organizer. Travel trailblazer.”
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