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ICF provides a Geoportal for the exchange of information in the space sciences

ICF provides a Geoportal for the exchange of information in the space sciences

Tegucigalpa, Honduras (08.16.2023).- Through a statement, the National Institute for the Conservation of Forests, Protected Areas and Wildlife (ICF), within the framework of functions and powers established by the Forestry Act, informs residents of the following:

  • ICF is made available to the public Geoportal Geospatial information exchange platform, with the ability to navigate maps, display and exchange geospatial information, manage data and metadata, manage the system and all necessary parameters and settings requested by producers.
  • The platform is available and updated in a timely manner,
  • Information is provided on areas under the Special Forest Management System, such as:
  1. approved forest management plans,
  2. declared small watershed,
  3. protected areas,
  4. biosphere reserves,
  5. private nature reserves,
  6. sites of interest to wildlife,
  7. areas designated under a community forestry management contract,
  8. Areas assigned to the State and registered in the General Inalienable Forest Heritage Catalog.

For inquiries and downloading information, you can access the following link: https://geoportal.icf.gob.hn/geoportal/main

By: Kenny Kukoi

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