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I hope they understand that on July 28 they tried to carry out a coup

I hope they understand that on July 28 they tried to carry out a coup

Photo: archive

The first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PESOF), Diosdado Cabello, affirmed on October 9 that Chavismo will always stand by Colombian President Gustavo Petro, after the National Electoral Council drafted accusations against him. The 2022 campaign “due to a violation of the financing system.”

By: Efi

He added: “We will always be in favor of Petro, without dual positions. “I have nothing to choose between Petro and Ivan Duque, it is clear that I will support Petro,” the Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace also said in his weekly television program “Con el Mazo Dando.”

Diosdado told Petro that this electoral investigation against him would serve as a lesson for the Colombian president to “understand” that they tried “against Venezuela” to carry out a “coup” on July 28, when the presidential elections were held. The National Electoral Council of Venezuela announced that Nicolas Maduro was the winner, which was questioned inside and outside the country.

“Venezuela will never be used to harm Colombia,” Cabello added.

On Tuesday, October 8, the Colombian National Assembly announced that it had decided to open an investigation and file charges against Petro and members of his team, for allegedly violating the spending limits set for his presidential campaign and resorting to prohibited sources that were not announced.

The Colombian leader confirmed that the decision of the National Electoral Council was the “first step of the coup” against him and announced that he had appealed to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IDH Court), considering that it violated the popular vote that elected him. Petro president in 2022.

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With information from EFE