Skywatchers in the western half of North, Central and South America will be able to enjoy a stunning view An annular solar eclipse will create a “ring of fire” in the skyFor those lucky enough to see it.
What is an annular eclipse?
This phenomenon occurs when the Moon is slightly farther away from the Earth in its orbit, so it does not completely cover the Sun when they pass each other, and instead leaves the edges of the Sun visible, forming a “ring of fire.”
According to NASA“ring of fire” It will last between one and five minutes in most places. The sky will darken, although not as dark as during a total solar eclipse, but the air will be cooler. Some animals can act as if night has fallen.
“It’s something you’ve never experienced before.” Mitzi Adams, deputy director of the Heliophysics and Planetary Sciences Branch at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, said in a statement. “It’s as if someone placed a bowl on top of the ground, right above where you’re standing. At midday it’s dark, but you can still see the light around the edge.
When will it be visible?
Starting at 8 a.m. PT, the moon will pass directly in front of the sun, casting a shadow over the Pacific Northwest. The shadow will then move south through California, Texas, Utah and Nevada over the next three hours, then into Central and South America.
The last annular eclipse occurred in 2017, and according to NASA, the next one will not appear again in this part of the world until 2046.
But even if you don’t live in an area where the Ring of Fire will be observed, you can still see at least a partial solar eclipse from almost anywhere in the continental United States. (If you’re on the East Coast, there will be another total solar eclipse next April.)
NASA will also host a live stream of the eclipse starting at 11:30 a.m. ET on Saturday, sharing views from Albuquerque and White Sands, New Mexico, and Kerrville, Texas.
What do I need to be able to see it?
It is never safe to look directly at an eclipse without specialized eye protection designed for viewing the Sun, so you should wear goggles or see through it. Hole projection box What you can do with things you probably already have at home. Consultation These are safety guidelines To see a solar eclipse.
When in doubt, remember: Never look directly at the sun.
Dylan Stapleford And Sam Matthews
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