The chess It can be considered an intellectual sport that requires specific preparation. Unlike physical sports, this includes a Active brain involvement To develop plays and anticipate situations that may arise.
It cannot be considered merely as a game or entertainment, as Professional chess players need to prepareboth physically and intellectually, to handle long hours of activity and high performance where there can be no distraction as such.
Discover the preparation of a professional chess player
The intellectual factor that chess represents is really big. This means that competitors need Workouts up to 5 or 6 hours a day. This includes reading books, knowing your opponents, game analysis, continuous practice, drills, etc.
The brain becomes the main work center What does a chess player need? This is the only way to achieve proper preparation which means, therefore, a greater intellectual speed of practical and functional thinking.
Two concepts that must be present in the preparation of a chess player should be highlighted: endurance and strength. Both are directly involved in the player’s performance during the game, in a way that also requires physical training that provides a guarantee of sitting for long hours on the board. If the body does not get tired, the mind will remain still enough to continue working efficiently.
The goal is not to get tired A greater ability to focus. Therefore, it is important to have good posture to avoid injuries, pain or fatigue. Strengthening the muscles is a necessary step, as it ensures that you feel in good shape throughout the time you work.
Back Workout
The back is one of the parts of the body that requires some attention. The situation can cause injuries that can generally cause some discomfort during the game. This can affect player performance; Therefore, it is important to have Strengthen my lumbar well Through back exercises.
Strengthen Backbones It is another exercise that chess players practice in general. Thus, stretching during training and before competition, as well as tummy tucks and other exercises on the floor with extremities raised, may be appropriate mechanisms to achieve best fort At the back.
Other prep exercises
On the other hand, they usually make a file Abdominal, lumbar, dorsal, cervical and gluteal table In order to strengthen the body well.
That’s why it Comfortable to do muscle tone Suitable for improving posture, especially in strengthening the muscles in a sitting position and preventing bad habits, because good posture means gaining greater mental stability. In the same way, they train not only mental activity, but also physical so that there is no imbalance in posture.
At all times it is Maintains a balance between the state of the muscles. Good physical condition means stress relief, increased concentration, memory capacity, full interest in the game, relative situations and a sense of comfort in the game.
For this, The psychological factor is closely related to the physical factorTherefore, preparation is considered a professional chess sport.
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