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How often should you wash your hair?  What is the correct frequency?

How often should you wash your hair? What is the correct frequency?

(CNN) — A Latest Report A cancer-causing chemical found in some dry shampoos may make you rethink your hair care routine. However, experts say there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how often you should wash your hair or what you can do to maintain it on days off.

“Some people think they have to wash their hair every day or it’s going to get too greasy,” says Dr. Anthony Rossi, an associate dermatologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York and a member of the American Academy of Dermatology. “If they give themselves a chance, they actually have that oily scalp or hair.” It can be seen that no. On the other hand, they don’t tolerate waiting too long or washing too often because they feel their scalp is too much. Oil. “.

How often you should wash your hair depends on many factors, including type and style, how oily your scalp is, and how active you are.

“It’s a personal thing,” Rossi says. Washing your hair too often can leave it dry and dull, while oil build-up can leave it smelly and flaky without washing enough.

Next, we explain which one is best for you.

When to wash

Rosie often tells her patients to wash their hair once or twice a week. But if you’ve done chemical treatments that dry out your hair, such as bleaching, perming, or relaxing, you should wash your hair less than once a week to prevent breakage, brittleness, or split ends. , he says.

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If your scalp is too oily, you should wash it once a day. According to the website of the American Academy of Dermatology. Age can also play a role.

“There is an increase in hormones during puberty, so the sebaceous glands can increase in size. This is one of the causes of teenage acne,” Rossi said. Children’s scalps can become more oily during puberty, so frequent hair washing can be beneficial, she said.

According to the association, our scalp produces less oil as we age.

Hair that is curly or brittle is more prone to dryness or breakage, says the association. Frequent washing can worsen this condition, which is why thick, curly hair doesn’t need to be washed daily or weekly, the association says.

But you should wash your scalp and hair at least every two to three weeks to keep it clean and healthy.

What to do between washes

Hair and scalp care isn’t just done in the shower. Between washes, there are things you can do to keep it clean, looking good, and protecting it from damage.

“I think scalp hygiene is important. Just like beard hygiene, you have to take care of the skin underneath,” says Rossi. “You have to take care of it and comb it (the hair). It loosens the dead skin cells, the debris. If you can, moisturize it.”

“At the very least, massaging the scalp will help loosen the debris. So you don’t need to shampoo it, but keeping it clean can be very helpful,” Rossi added. “You can also use something like a leave-in conditioner or scalp oils to help nourish and hydrate the scalp.”

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Unless you tend to sweat from working out, build up bacteria, or your hair or scalp starts to smell, you don’t need to shampoo your hair every time, Rossi said. If you want, you can wash it off with water.

Most dry shampoos are considered safe for hair, but don’t rely on them too often, Rossi said. “If you have a lot of oil, that’s fine at some point. But you have to wash it off. You don’t want it building up on your scalp.”

If you notice excess oil around your hair, you can clean it with makeup paper towels.

If you swim in a pool and expose your hair to water, chlorine can dry it out and make it brittle. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, wet and condition your hair first, wear a tight-fitting shower cap, and immediately protect lost moisture with a shampoo and deep conditioner formulated for swimmers.

If you have persistent scalp or hair problems like dandruff, hair loss or brittle hair, you should see a board-certified dermatologist who treats these conditions, Rossi says.