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How Lucero responded to the netizen who told her that her age is already noticeable

How Lucero responded to the netizen who told her that her age is already noticeable

Mexican singer and actress Lucero reacted to a comment on social media, and responded to one of her followers who said that “her age was really noticeable.”

Lucero reacted after the comment, and his followers did not ignore his response to what the Internet user pointed out.

Her Instagram follower commented: “Now your age is really showing. You wouldn't purse your lips, or your neck, ugh.

“Have you noticed I'm 53? I hope so because they're the ones I have. And yes, wrinkles are imminent, spots are, sagging, it all comes with age,” Lucero replied.

She added, “I don't know how old you are – netizen – but I hope that you always look 17 even if you are 60 or older and that you never have wrinkles or anything that looks bad on you and that you are always beautiful forever.”

Univisión explained that the singer usually responds to her fans via social networks, but she does so on rare occasions in situations that could spark controversy.

Read more: These are the details that Lucero revealed when he met Luis Miguel

He stressed that many Lucero fans supported his comment through the “Like” option and there were followers who added more messages supporting his response.

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