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Hialeah names the street in honor of the founder of the Cologne Medical Center

Hialeah names the street in honor of the founder of the Cologne Medical Center

MIAMI: The City of Hialeah honored Dr. Jorge Acevedo, founder of the Colonia Medical Center, and named a street after him at the initiative of Chancellor Jesus Tondor.

At the event Monday, May 22, spokes were Esteban Poffo, the mayor of Hialeah, Ginibel Acevedo, the doctor’s eldest daughter, and Dr. Acevedo himself.

“It is always good to see the American dream come to life in Hialeah,” said Mayor Poffo.

“The American Dream is not free, you have to work for it. But it is very important that they know that a city like ours has its doors open to people who arrive scared, without understanding the language or the system, to be able to make their dreams come true. This is confirmation that in the city of Hialeah, as As is the case in the United States, whoever comes to work, who comes with a dignified vision, can achieve many things.”

In his speech, the mayor noted the fact that Hialeah is about to turn 100 and “we want to make sure the next generation understands the legacy of these people who honor our streets.”

Dr. Acevedo opened his first health center in 2007 with the “Your Health First” project for the elderly, and he recalled his daughter Ginibel, who showed signs of being affected, and who said she was proud of her father and thanked him for sacrificing all his life until “my mother” and I lacked nothing, “while he was He continues his studies and graduates as a doctor in his native Cuba.

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The clinic on 4 West was the first of 11 clinics where Colonia is now dotted between Miami-Dade and Broward counties, both in South Florida.

For his part, Dr. Acevedo said he was very pleased, “but above all, we are honored that the person’s work has been recognized by so many.” He thanked the city and those who helped him, his staff and his patients.

Acevedo said he considers Hialeah his hometown, because “it was the one that gave him the opportunity to set up his first business.”

“Jorge Acevedo came to this country with a bag full of dreams, but to achieve them it was necessary that there were many things in my favor, the city of Hialeah was always in my favor, it always helped me create what I have now,” the doctor recalls, loaded with pride and excitement.

In the end, he promised to work hard so that he would not be disappointed with his generosity today.

Jorge Acevedo Street is located in the 1st East section, which runs from 3rd Street to 4th Street in Hialeah.

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