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Here: Why is the technology that rejuvenates actors Tom Hanks and Robin Wright in the new movie so alarming?

Here: Why is the technology that rejuvenates actors Tom Hanks and Robin Wright in the new movie so alarming?

Image source, Sony pictures

Caption, Tom Hanks hereIt could be the same one that appeared in it. splash 40 years ago.

  • author, Nicholas Barber
  • Role, BBC Culture

Tom Hanks next movie here (“Here”), takes place in the distant future, in the distant past, and at various moments in between.

Directed by Robert Zemeckis and based on the graphic novel of the same name by Richard McGuire, the production jumps through the history of a particular place, viewed from a unique perspective over thousands of years.

However, the majority of the film spans the decades in which this location was home to an American home owned by a couple played by Hanks and Robin Wright.

For fans forrest gump (1994) The most significant aspect of the trailer released last week was the reunion of the film’s two leads with director Zemeckis. But what was equally notable was Digital Renewal Which allowed Hanks and Wright to play their characters since their teens.